All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
Adapter<S1,S2,T1,T2,V1,V2> |
A two-level bidirectional encoder which adapts types to types and terms to terms
AdapterContext |
An evaluation context together with a source language and a target language
Adapters |
Convenience functions for working with Hydra coders.
Add |
AdditionalBound |
AdditiveExpression |
AdditiveExpression_Binary |
AdditiveExpression.Minus |
AdditiveExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
AdditiveExpression.Plus |
AdditiveExpression.Unary |
AdditiveExpression.Visitor<R> |
AddOrSubtractExpression |
AddOrSubtractOperator |
AddOrSubtractOperator.Add |
AddOrSubtractOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
AddOrSubtractOperator.Subtract |
AddOrSubtractOperator.Visitor<R> |
AddOrSubtractRightHandSide |
AggregateFunctionFeatures |
Aggregate functions
AggregationQuery |
AggregationQuery.Count |
AggregationQuery.PartialVisitor<R> |
AggregationQuery.Visitor<R> |
Alias |
Alias.Colon |
Alias.Name |
Alias.PartialVisitor<R> |
Alias.Visitor<R> |
Alternative |
A pattern-matching alternative
AmbiguousName |
And |
AndExpression |
AndExpression |
AnnotatedIdentifier |
AnnotatedTerm |
A term together with an annotation
AnnotatedType |
A type together with an annotation
Annotation |
Annotation.Marker |
Annotation.Normal |
Annotation.PartialVisitor<R> |
Annotation.SingleElement |
Annotation.Visitor<R> |
Annotations |
Annotations which can be applied to record fields, aliased union members, enum symbols, or named schemas
AnnotationSchema |
Configurable annotation keys for property graph mapping specifications
AnnotationTypeBody |
AnnotationTypeDeclaration |
AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration |
AnnotationTypeElementModifier |
AnnotationTypeElementModifier.Abstract |
AnnotationTypeElementModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
AnnotationTypeElementModifier.Public |
AnnotationTypeElementModifier.Visitor<R> |
AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration |
AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration.AnnotationType |
AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration.Class_ |
AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration.Constant |
AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration.Interface |
AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration.Visitor<R> |
AnonymousPatternPart |
AntlrReaderBase |
A base class for utilities which convert ANTLR parse trees into domain-specific objects
Any |
`Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message.
Application |
A term which applies a function to an argument
ApplicationQuery |
ApplicationType |
The type-level analog of an application term
Apply |
Apply |
Apply |
Argument |
Arguments |
ArgumentsDefinition |
ArithmeticFeatures |
Arithmetic operations
Array |
ArrayAccess |
ArrayAccess_Variant |
ArrayAccess_Variant.Name |
ArrayAccess_Variant.PartialVisitor<R> |
ArrayAccess_Variant.Primary |
ArrayAccess_Variant.Visitor<R> |
ArrayCreationExpression |
ArrayCreationExpression_ClassOrInterface |
ArrayCreationExpression_ClassOrInterfaceArray |
ArrayCreationExpression_Primitive |
ArrayCreationExpression_PrimitiveArray |
ArrayCreationExpression.ClassOrInterface |
ArrayCreationExpression.ClassOrInterfaceArray |
ArrayCreationExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
ArrayCreationExpression.Primitive |
ArrayCreationExpression.PrimitiveArray |
ArrayCreationExpression.Visitor<R> |
ArrayInitializer |
ArrayType |
ArrayType_Variant |
ArrayType_Variant.ClassOrInterface |
ArrayType_Variant.PartialVisitor<R> |
ArrayType_Variant.Primitive |
ArrayType_Variant.Variable |
ArrayType_Variant.Visitor<R> |
Assertion |
A type assertion
Assertion_Class |
Assertion.Class_ |
Assertion.PartialVisitor<R> |
Assertion.Tuple |
Assertion.Visitor<R> |
AssertStatement |
AssertStatement_Pair |
AssertStatement.Pair |
AssertStatement.PartialVisitor<R> |
AssertStatement.Single |
AssertStatement.Visitor<R> |
Assignment |
AssignmentExpression |
AssignmentExpression.Assignment |
AssignmentExpression.Conditional |
AssignmentExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
AssignmentExpression.Visitor<R> |
AssignmentOperator |
AssignmentOperator.And |
AssignmentOperator.Div |
AssignmentOperator.Minus |
AssignmentOperator.Mod |
AssignmentOperator.Or |
AssignmentOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
AssignmentOperator.Plus |
AssignmentOperator.ShiftLeft |
AssignmentOperator.ShiftRight |
AssignmentOperator.ShiftRightZeroFill |
AssignmentOperator.Simple |
AssignmentOperator.Times |
AssignmentOperator.Visitor<R> |
AssignmentOperator.Xor |
AssociativeExpression |
Associativity |
Operator associativity
Associativity.Both |
Associativity.Left |
Associativity.None |
Associativity.PartialVisitor<R> |
Associativity.Right |
Associativity.Visitor<R> |
At |
Atom |
Atom.Case |
Atom.CountStar |
Atom.ExistentialSubquery |
Atom.FunctionInvocation |
Atom.ListComprehension |
Atom.Literal |
Atom.Parameter |
Atom.Parenthesized |
Atom.PartialVisitor<R> |
Atom.PatternComprehension |
Atom.PatternPredicate |
Atom.Quantifier |
Atom.Variable |
Atom.Visitor<R> |
AtomFeatures |
Various kinds of atomic expressions
BasicForStatement |
BasicForStatementNoShortIf |
Basics |
A tier-2 module of basic functions for working with types and terms.
Bicoder<S1,S2,T1,T2,V1,V2> |
A two-level encoder and decoder, operating both at a type level and an instance (data) level
BigfloatToBigint |
BigfloatToFloat32 |
BigfloatToFloat64 |
BigintToBigfloat |
BigintToInt16 |
BigintToInt32 |
BigintToInt64 |
BigintToInt8 |
BigintToUint16 |
BigintToUint32 |
BigintToUint64 |
BigintToUint8 |
BinaryBooleanOperator |
BinaryBooleanOperator.And |
BinaryBooleanOperator.Or |
BinaryBooleanOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
BinaryBooleanOperator.Visitor<R> |
BinaryBooleanOperator.Xor |
BinaryExpression |
BinaryOperator |
BinaryOperator.Boolean_ |
BinaryOperator.Comparison |
BinaryOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
BinaryOperator.Power |
BinaryOperator.Visitor<R> |
Bind |
Bind |
Bind |
Binding |
BlankNode |
Block |
BlockStatement |
BlockStatement.Class_ |
BlockStatement.LocalVariableDeclaration |
BlockStatement.PartialVisitor<R> |
BlockStatement.Statement |
BlockStatement.Visitor<R> |
BlockStyle |
Formatting option for code blocks
BooleanArray |
BooleanArray.Array |
BooleanArray.PartialVisitor<R> |
BooleanArray.Simple |
BooleanArray.Visitor<R> |
BooleanValue |
BooleanValue.False |
BooleanValue.PartialVisitor<R> |
BooleanValue.True |
BooleanValue.Visitor<R> |
BracketExpr |
An expression enclosed by brackets
Brackets |
Matching open and close bracket symbols
BreakStatement |
Cardinality |
Whether a field is optional, required, or repeated.
Cardinality.Optional |
For optional fields.
Cardinality.PartialVisitor<R> |
Cardinality.Repeated |
For repeated fields.
Cardinality.Required |
For required fields.
Cardinality.Unknown |
For fields with unknown cardinality.
Cardinality.Visitor<R> |
Case |
CaseAlternative |
CaseExpression |
CaseRhs |
The right-hand side of a pattern-matching alternative
CaseStatement |
A union elimination; a case statement
CaseTree |
CaseTree.Case |
CaseTree.PartialVisitor<R> |
CaseTree.TypeCase |
CaseTree.Visitor<R> |
CastExpression |
CastExpression_Lambda |
CastExpression_NotPlusMinus |
CastExpression_Primitive |
CastExpression_RefAndBounds |
CastExpression.Lambda |
CastExpression.NotPlusMinus |
CastExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
CastExpression.Primitive |
CastExpression.Visitor<R> |
Cat |
Cat |
Cat2 |
CatchClause |
Catches |
CatchFormalParameter |
CatchType |
ClassBody |
ClassBodyDeclaration |
ClassBodyDeclaration.ClassMember |
ClassBodyDeclaration.ConstructorDeclaration |
ClassBodyDeclaration.InstanceInitializer |
ClassBodyDeclaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
ClassBodyDeclaration.StaticInitializer |
ClassBodyDeclaration.Visitor<R> |
ClassBodyDeclarationWithComments |
ClassDeclaration |
ClassDeclaration.Enum_ |
ClassDeclaration.Normal |
ClassDeclaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
ClassDeclaration.Visitor<R> |
ClassInstanceCreationExpression |
ClassInstanceCreationExpression_Qualifier |
ClassInstanceCreationExpression_Qualifier.Expression |
ClassInstanceCreationExpression_Qualifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
ClassInstanceCreationExpression_Qualifier.Primary |
ClassInstanceCreationExpression_Qualifier.Visitor<R> |
ClassLiteral |
ClassLiteral.Boolean_ |
ClassLiteral.NumericType |
ClassLiteral.PartialVisitor<R> |
ClassLiteral.Type |
ClassLiteral.Visitor<R> |
ClassLiteral.Void_ |
ClassMemberDeclaration |
ClassMemberDeclaration.Class_ |
ClassMemberDeclaration.Field |
ClassMemberDeclaration.Interface |
ClassMemberDeclaration.Method |
ClassMemberDeclaration.None |
ClassMemberDeclaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
ClassMemberDeclaration.Visitor<R> |
ClassModifier |
ClassModifier.Abstract |
ClassModifier.Annotation |
ClassModifier.Final |
ClassModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
ClassModifier.Private |
ClassModifier.Protected |
ClassModifier.Public |
ClassModifier.Static |
ClassModifier.Strictfp |
ClassModifier.Visitor<R> |
ClassOrInterfaceType |
ClassOrInterfaceType.Class_ |
ClassOrInterfaceType.Interface |
ClassOrInterfaceType.PartialVisitor<R> |
ClassOrInterfaceType.Visitor<R> |
ClassOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate |
ClassType |
ClassTypeQualifier |
ClassTypeQualifier.None |
ClassTypeQualifier.Package_ |
ClassTypeQualifier.Parent |
ClassTypeQualifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
ClassTypeQualifier.Visitor<R> |
Closed |
Coder<S1,S2,V1,V2> |
An encoder and decoder; a bidirectional flow between two types
CoderDirection |
Indicates either the 'out' or the 'in' direction of a coder
CoderDirection.Decode |
CoderDirection.Encode |
CoderDirection.PartialVisitor<R> |
CoderDirection.Visitor<R> |
Coders |
Convenience functions for working with Hydra coders.
ColumnName |
A name for a domain which serves to identify the role played by that domain in the given relation; a 'role name' in Codd
ColumnSchema<T> |
An abstract specification of the domain represented by a column in a relation; a role
CommonConstraint |
Any of a number of constraint parameters which can be applied either to node or property shapes
CommonConstraint.And |
CommonConstraint.Class_ |
CommonConstraint.Closed |
CommonConstraint.Datatype |
CommonConstraint.Disjoint |
CommonConstraint.Equals |
CommonConstraint.HasValue |
Specifies the condition that at least one value node is equal to the given RDF term.
CommonConstraint.In |
Specifies the condition that each value node is a member of a provided SHACL list.
CommonConstraint.LanguageIn |
CommonConstraint.MaxExclusive |
CommonConstraint.MaxInclusive |
CommonConstraint.MaxLength |
CommonConstraint.MinExclusive |
CommonConstraint.MinInclusive |
CommonConstraint.MinLength |
CommonConstraint.Node |
CommonConstraint.NodeKind |
CommonConstraint.Not |
CommonConstraint.Or |
CommonConstraint.PartialVisitor<R> |
CommonConstraint.Pattern |
CommonConstraint.Property |
CommonConstraint.Visitor<R> |
CommonConstraint.Xone |
CommonProperties |
Common constraint parameters and other properties for SHACL shapes
Comparison |
An equality judgement: less than, equal to, or greater than
Comparison.EqualTo |
Comparison.GreaterThan |
Comparison.LessThan |
Comparison.PartialVisitor<R> |
Comparison.Visitor<R> |
ComparisonConstraint |
One of several comparison operators
ComparisonConstraint.Equal |
ComparisonConstraint.GreaterThan |
ComparisonConstraint.GreaterThanOrEqual |
ComparisonConstraint.LessThan |
ComparisonConstraint.LessThanOrEqual |
ComparisonConstraint.NotEqual |
ComparisonConstraint.PartialVisitor<R> |
ComparisonConstraint.Visitor<R> |
ComparisonExpression |
ComparisonFeatures |
Comparison operators and functions
ComparisonOperator |
ComparisonOperator |
ComparisonOperator.Eq |
ComparisonOperator.Eq |
ComparisonOperator.Gt |
ComparisonOperator.Gt |
ComparisonOperator.Gte |
ComparisonOperator.Gte |
ComparisonOperator.Lt |
ComparisonOperator.Lt |
ComparisonOperator.Lte |
ComparisonOperator.Lte |
ComparisonOperator.Neq |
ComparisonOperator.Neq |
ComparisonOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
ComparisonOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
ComparisonOperator.Visitor<R> |
ComparisonOperator.Visitor<R> |
CompilationUnit |
CompilationUnit.Modular |
CompilationUnit.Ordinary |
CompilationUnit.PartialVisitor<R> |
CompilationUnit.Visitor<R> |
Compose |
Concat |
Concat2 |
ConditionalAndExpression |
ConditionalExpression |
ConditionalExpression_TernaryCond |
ConditionalExpression_TernaryLambda |
ConditionalExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
ConditionalExpression.Simple |
ConditionalExpression.TernaryCond |
ConditionalExpression.TernaryLambda |
ConditionalExpression.Visitor<R> |
ConditionalOrExpression |
Cons |
Constant |
A constant pattern
ConstantDeclaration |
ConstantExpression |
ConstantModifier |
ConstantModifier.Annotation |
ConstantModifier.Final |
ConstantModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
ConstantModifier.Public |
ConstantModifier.Static |
ConstantModifier.Visitor<R> |
Constants |
A module for tier-0 constants.
Constructor |
A data constructor
Constructor_Ordinary |
An ordinary (positional) data constructor
Constructor_Record |
A record-style data constructor
Constructor.Ordinary |
Constructor.PartialVisitor<R> |
Constructor.Record |
Constructor.Visitor<R> |
ConstructorBody |
ConstructorDeclaration |
ConstructorDeclarator |
ConstructorModifier |
ConstructorModifier.Annotation |
ConstructorModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
ConstructorModifier.Private |
ConstructorModifier.Protected |
ConstructorModifier.Public |
ConstructorModifier.Visitor<R> |
ConstructorWithComments |
A data constructor together with any comments
Contains |
ContinueStatement |
Core |
CoreEncoding |
Mapping of hydra/core constructs in a host language like Haskell or Java to their native Hydra counterparts as terms.
CoreLanguage |
Language constraints for Hydra Core
Create |
Ctor |
Ctor_Primary |
Ctor_Secondary |
Ctor.PartialVisitor<R> |
Ctor.Primary |
Ctor.Secondary |
Ctor.Visitor<R> |
CypherBaseVisitor<T> |
This class provides an empty implementation of CypherVisitor ,
which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
CypherFeatures |
A set of features which characterize an OpenCypher query or implementation.
CypherLexer |
CypherParser |
CypherParser.OC_AddOrSubtractExpression_OperatorContext |
CypherParser.OC_AddOrSubtractExpression_RHSContext |
CypherParser.OC_AddOrSubtractExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_AndExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_AnonymousPatternPartContext |
CypherParser.OC_AtomContext |
CypherParser.OC_BooleanLiteralContext |
CypherParser.OC_CaseAlternativeContext |
CypherParser.Oc_CaseElseContext |
CypherParser.OC_CaseExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_ComparisonExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_ComparisonOperatorContext |
CypherParser.OC_CreateContext |
CypherParser.OC_CypherContext |
CypherParser.OC_DashContext |
CypherParser.OC_DeleteContext |
CypherParser.OC_DoubleLiteralContext |
CypherParser.OC_ExistentialSubqueryContext |
CypherParser.OC_ExplicitProcedureInvocationContext |
CypherParser.OC_ExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_FilterExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_FunctionInvocationContext |
CypherParser.OC_FunctionNameContext |
CypherParser.OC_IdInCollContext |
CypherParser.OC_ImplicitProcedureInvocationContext |
CypherParser.OC_InQueryCallContext |
CypherParser.OC_IntegerLiteralContext |
CypherParser.Oc_KeyValuePairContext |
CypherParser.OC_LabelNameContext |
CypherParser.OC_LeftArrowHeadContext |
CypherParser.OC_LimitContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListComprehensionContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListLiteralContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListOperatorExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListOperatorExpressionOrPropertyLookupContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListOperatorExpressionRangeContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListOperatorExpressionRangeLHSContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListOperatorExpressionRangeRHSContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListOperatorExpressionSingleContext |
CypherParser.OC_ListPredicateExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_LiteralContext |
CypherParser.OC_MapLiteralContext |
CypherParser.OC_MatchContext |
CypherParser.OC_MatchOrCreateContext |
CypherParser.OC_MergeActionContext |
CypherParser.OC_MergeContext |
CypherParser.OC_MultiPartQueryContext |
CypherParser.OC_MultiplyDivideModuloExpression_OperatorContext |
CypherParser.OC_MultiplyDivideModuloExpression_RHSContext |
CypherParser.OC_MultiplyDivideModuloExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_NamespaceContext |
CypherParser.OC_NodeLabelContext |
CypherParser.OC_NodeLabelsContext |
CypherParser.OC_NodePatternContext |
CypherParser.OC_NonArithmeticOperatorExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_NotExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_NullPredicateExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_NumberLiteralContext |
CypherParser.OC_OrderContext |
CypherParser.OC_OrExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_ParameterContext |
CypherParser.OC_ParenthesizedExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_PartialComparisonExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_PatternComprehensionContext |
CypherParser.OC_PatternContext |
CypherParser.OC_PatternElementChainContext |
CypherParser.OC_PatternElementContext |
CypherParser.OC_PatternPartContext |
CypherParser.OC_PatternPredicateContext |
CypherParser.OC_PatternWhereContext |
CypherParser.OC_PowerOfExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_ProcedureInvocationContext |
CypherParser.OC_ProcedureNameContext |
CypherParser.OC_ProcedureResultFieldContext |
CypherParser.OC_ProjectionBodyContext |
CypherParser.OC_ProjectionItemContext |
CypherParser.OC_ProjectionItemsContext |
CypherParser.OC_PropertiesContext |
CypherParser.OC_PropertyExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_PropertyKeyNameContext |
CypherParser.OC_PropertyLookupContext |
CypherParser.OC_QuantifierContext |
CypherParser.OC_QuantifierOperatorContext |
CypherParser.OC_QueryContext |
CypherParser.OC_RangeLiteralContext |
CypherParser.OC_RangeLiteralUpperBoundContext |
CypherParser.OC_ReadingClauseContext |
CypherParser.OC_RegularQueryContext |
CypherParser.OC_RelationshipDetailContext |
CypherParser.OC_RelationshipPatternContext |
CypherParser.OC_RelationshipsPatternContext |
CypherParser.OC_RelationshipTypesContext |
CypherParser.OC_RelTypeNameContext |
CypherParser.OC_RemoveContext |
CypherParser.OC_RemoveItemContext |
CypherParser.OC_ReservedWordContext |
CypherParser.OC_ReturnContext |
CypherParser.OC_RightArrowHeadContext |
CypherParser.OC_SchemaNameContext |
CypherParser.OC_SetContext |
CypherParser.OC_SetItem_EqualContext |
CypherParser.OC_SetItem_NodeLabelsContext |
CypherParser.OC_SetItem_PlusEqualContext |
CypherParser.OC_SetItem_PropertyContext |
CypherParser.OC_SetItemContext |
CypherParser.OC_SinglePartQueryContext |
CypherParser.OC_SingleQueryContext |
CypherParser.OC_SkipContext |
CypherParser.OC_SortItemContext |
CypherParser.OC_SortOrder_AscendingContext |
CypherParser.OC_SortOrder_DescendingContext |
CypherParser.OC_SortOrderContext |
CypherParser.OC_StandaloneCallContext |
CypherParser.OC_StarOrYieldItemsContext |
CypherParser.OC_StatementContext |
CypherParser.OC_StringListNullPredicateExpression_RHSContext |
CypherParser.OC_StringListNullPredicateExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_StringPredicateExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_StringPredicateOperatorContext |
CypherParser.OC_SymbolicNameContext |
CypherParser.OC_UnaryAddOrSubtractExpression_OperatorContext |
CypherParser.OC_UnaryAddOrSubtractExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_UnionContext |
CypherParser.OC_UnwindContext |
CypherParser.OC_UpdatingClauseContext |
CypherParser.OC_VariableAndNodeLabelsContext |
CypherParser.OC_VariableContext |
CypherParser.OC_WhereContext |
CypherParser.Oc_WithClauseContext |
CypherParser.OC_WithContext |
CypherParser.OC_XorExpressionContext |
CypherParser.OC_YieldItemContext |
CypherParser.OC_YieldItemsContext |
CypherReader |
A parser which constructs Cypher queries using the hydra/ext/cypher/openCypher model.
CypherVisitor<T> |
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
by CypherParser .
Data |
Data_Annotate |
Data_Anonymous |
Data_Apply |
Data_ApplyInfix |
Data_ApplyType |
Data_ApplyUnary |
Data_ApplyUsing |
Data_Ascribe |
Data_Assign |
Data_Block |
Data_ContextFunction |
Data_Do |
Data_EndMarker |
Data_Eta |
Data_For |
Data_ForYield |
Data_Function |
Data_FunctionData |
Data_FunctionData.ContextFunction |
Data_FunctionData.Function |
Data_FunctionData.PartialVisitor<R> |
Data_FunctionData.Visitor<R> |
Data_If |
Data_Interpolate |
Data_Match |
Data_Name |
Data_New |
Data_NewAnonymous |
Data_Param |
Data_PartialFunction |
Data_Placeholder |
Data_PolyFunction |
Data_QuotedMacroExpr |
Data_QuotedMacroType |
Data_Ref |
Data_Ref.Anonymous |
Data_Ref.ApplyUnary |
Data_Ref.Name |
Data_Ref.PartialVisitor<R> |
Data_Ref.Select |
Data_Ref.Super |
Data_Ref.This |
Data_Ref.Visitor<R> |
Data_Repeated |
Data_Return |
Data_Select |
Data_SplicedMacroExpr |
Data_Super |
Data_This |
Data_Throw |
Data_Try |
Data_TryWithHandler |
Data_Tuple |
Data_While |
Data_Xml |
Data.Annotate |
Data.Apply |
Data.ApplyType |
Data.ApplyUsing |
Data.Ascribe |
Data.Assign |
Data.Block |
Data.Do |
Data.EndMarker |
Data.Eta |
Data.For |
Data.ForYield |
Data.FunctionData |
Data.If |
Data.Interpolate |
Data.Lit |
Data.Match |
Data.New |
Data.NewAnonymous |
Data.Param |
Data.PartialFunction |
Data.PartialVisitor<R> |
Data.Placeholder |
Data.PolyFunction |
Data.QuotedMacroExpr |
Data.QuotedMacroType |
Data.Ref |
Data.Repeated |
Data.Return |
Data.SplicedMacroExpr |
Data.Throw |
Data.Try |
Data.TryWithHandler |
Data.Tuple |
Data.Visitor<R> |
Data.While |
Data.Xml |
DatabaseFunctionFeatures |
Database functions
DataDeclaration |
A data type declaration
DataDeclaration_Keyword |
The 'data' versus 'newtype keyword
DataDeclaration_Keyword.Data |
DataDeclaration_Keyword.Newtype |
DataDeclaration_Keyword.PartialVisitor<R> |
DataDeclaration_Keyword.Visitor<R> |
DataRow<V> |
A data row, containing optional-valued cells; one per column
Dataset |
Decl |
Decl_Def |
Decl_Given |
Decl_Type |
Decl_Val |
Decl_Var |
Decl.Def |
Decl.Given |
Decl.PartialVisitor<R> |
Decl.Type |
Decl.Val |
Decl.Var |
Decl.Visitor<R> |
Declaration |
A data or value declaration
Declaration.Data |
Declaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
Declaration.Type |
Declaration.TypedBinding |
Declaration.ValueBinding |
Declaration.Visitor<R> |
DeclarationHead |
The left-hand side of a declaration
DeclarationHead_Application |
An application-style declaration head
DeclarationHead.Application |
DeclarationHead.Parens |
DeclarationHead.PartialVisitor<R> |
DeclarationHead.Simple |
DeclarationHead.Visitor<R> |
DeclarationWithComments |
A data declaration together with any comments
Decoding |
Decoding functions for JSON data
DefaultValue |
DefaultValue |
Definition |
Definition<A> |
An instance of a type like sh:Shape or sh:NodeShape, together with a unique IRI for that instance
Definition |
Definition.Enum_ |
Definition.Executable |
Definition.Message |
Definition.PartialVisitor<R> |
Definition.PartialVisitor<R> |
Definition.TypeSystem |
Definition.Visitor<R> |
Definition.Visitor<R> |
Defn |
Defn_Class |
Defn_Def |
Defn_Enum |
Defn_EnumCase |
Defn_ExtensionGroup |
Defn_Given |
Defn_GivenAlias |
Defn_Macro |
Defn_Object |
Defn_RepeatedEnumCase |
Defn_Trait |
Defn_Type |
Defn_Val |
Defn_Var |
Defn.Class_ |
Defn.Def |
Defn.Enum_ |
Defn.EnumCase |
Defn.ExtensionGroup |
Defn.Given |
Defn.GivenAlias |
Defn.Macro |
Defn.Object_ |
Defn.PartialVisitor<R> |
Defn.RepeatedEnumCase |
Defn.Trait |
Defn.Type |
Defn.Val |
Defn.Var |
Defn.Visitor<R> |
Delete |
DeleteFeatures |
Delete operations
Deriving |
A 'deriving' statement
Description |
Description |
A graph of RDF statements together with a distinguished subject and/or object node
Difference |
DimExpr |
Dims |
Direction |
The direction of an edge or edge pattern
Direction.Both |
Direction.In |
Direction.Out |
Direction.PartialVisitor<R> |
Direction.Undirected |
Direction.Visitor<R> |
Directive |
DirectiveDefinition |
DirectiveLocation |
DirectiveLocation.Executable |
DirectiveLocation.PartialVisitor<R> |
DirectiveLocation.TypeSystem |
DirectiveLocation.Visitor<R> |
DirectiveLocations |
DirectiveLocations_Sequence |
DirectiveLocations_Sequence2 |
DirectiveLocations.PartialVisitor<R> |
DirectiveLocations.Sequence |
DirectiveLocations.Sequence2 |
DirectiveLocations.Visitor<R> |
Directives |
Div |
Document |
DoStatement |
Edge<V> |
An edge
Edge |
An abstract edge based on a record type
EdgeBuilder<V> |
A builder object for property graph edges.
EdgeLabel |
The label of an edge
EdgeProjectionPattern |
EdgeSpec |
A mapping specification producing edges of a specified label.
EdgeType<T> |
The type of an edge
EdgeTypeBuilder<T> |
A builder object for property graph edge types.
Either<A,B> |
A disjoint union between a 'left' type and a 'right' type
Either.Left<A,B> |
Either.PartialVisitor<A,B,R> |
Either.Right<A,B> |
Either.Visitor<A,B,R> |
Element |
A graph element, having a name, data term (value), and schema term (type)
Element<V> |
Either a vertex or an edge
Element.Edge<V> |
Element.PartialVisitor<V,R> |
Element.Vertex<V> |
Element.Visitor<V,R> |
ElementBuilder<V,S,B extends ElementBuilder<V,S,B>> |
ElementKind |
The kind of an element: vertex or edge
ElementKind.Edge |
ElementKind.PartialVisitor<R> |
ElementKind.Vertex |
ElementKind.Visitor<R> |
ElementSpec |
Either a vertex specification or an edge specification
ElementSpec.Edge |
ElementSpec.PartialVisitor<R> |
ElementSpec.Vertex |
ElementSpec.Visitor<R> |
ElementTree<V> |
An element together with its dependencies in some context
ElementType<T> |
The type of a vertex or edge
ElementType.Edge<T> |
ElementType.PartialVisitor<T,R> |
ElementType.Vertex<T> |
ElementType.Visitor<T,R> |
ElementTypeBuilder<T,S,B extends ElementTypeBuilder<T,S,B>> |
ElementTypeTree<T> |
An element type together with its dependencies in some context
ElementValue |
ElementValue.Annotation |
ElementValue.ConditionalExpression |
ElementValue.ElementValueArrayInitializer |
ElementValue.PartialVisitor<R> |
ElementValue.Visitor<R> |
ElementValueArrayInitializer |
ElementValuePair |
Elimination |
A corresponding elimination for an introduction term
Elimination.List |
Eliminates a list using a fold function; this function has the signature b -> [a] -> b
Elimination.Optional |
Eliminates an optional term by matching over the two possible cases
Elimination.PartialVisitor<R> |
Elimination.Product |
Eliminates a tuple by projecting the component at a given 0-indexed offset
Elimination.Record |
Eliminates a record by projecting a given field
Elimination.Union |
Eliminates a union term by matching over the fields of the union.
Elimination.Visitor<R> |
Elimination.Wrap |
Unwrap a wrapped term
EliminationVariant |
The identifier of an elimination constructor
EliminationVariant.List |
EliminationVariant.Optional |
EliminationVariant.PartialVisitor<R> |
EliminationVariant.Product |
EliminationVariant.Record |
EliminationVariant.Union |
EliminationVariant.Visitor<R> |
EliminationVariant.Wrap |
Empty |
Empty |
EmptyStatement |
EnhancedForCond |
EnhancedForStatement |
EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf |
Enum_ |
Enum_ |
Enum type definition.
EnumBody |
EnumBody_Element |
EnumConstant |
EnumConstantModifier |
EnumConstantName |
EnumDeclaration |
EnumDefinition |
Enum type definition
Enumerator |
Enumerator_CaseGenerator |
Enumerator_Generator |
Enumerator_Guard |
Enumerator_Val |
Enumerator.CaseGenerator |
Enumerator.Generator |
Enumerator.Guard |
Enumerator.PartialVisitor<R> |
Enumerator.Val |
Enumerator.Visitor<R> |
EnumField |
EnumFieldName |
EnumSchema |
EnumTypeDefinition |
EnumTypeExtension |
EnumTypeExtension_Sequence |
EnumTypeExtension_Sequence2 |
EnumTypeExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
EnumTypeExtension.Sequence |
EnumTypeExtension.Sequence2 |
EnumTypeExtension.Visitor<R> |
EnumValue |
EnumValue |
Enum value definition
EnumValue |
Enum value definition.
EnumValueDefinition |
EnumValueName |
EnumValuesDefinition |
Equal |
EqualBigfloat |
EqualBigint |
EqualBinary |
EqualBoolean |
EqualFloat32 |
EqualFloat64 |
EqualInt16 |
EqualInt32 |
EqualInt64 |
EqualInt8 |
Equality |
EqualityExpression |
EqualityExpression_Binary |
EqualityExpression.Equal |
EqualityExpression.NotEqual |
EqualityExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
EqualityExpression.Unary |
EqualityExpression.Visitor<R> |
EqualityFunction<T> |
EqualityFunction.Relation |
EqualString |
EqualTerm |
EqualType |
EqualUint16 |
EqualUint32 |
EqualUint64 |
EqualUint8 |
EvaluationStyle |
One of two evaluation styles: eager or lazy
EvaluationStyle.Eager |
EvaluationStyle.Lazy |
EvaluationStyle.PartialVisitor<R> |
EvaluationStyle.Visitor<R> |
ExceptionType |
ExceptionType.Class_ |
ExceptionType.PartialVisitor<R> |
ExceptionType.Variable |
ExceptionType.Visitor<R> |
ExclusiveOrExpression |
ExecutableDefinition |
ExecutableDefinition.Fragment |
ExecutableDefinition.Operation |
ExecutableDefinition.PartialVisitor<R> |
ExecutableDefinition.Visitor<R> |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.FIELD |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.FRAGMENTLowbarDEFINITION |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.FRAGMENTLowbarSPREAD |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.INLINELowbarFRAGMENT |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.MUTATION |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.PartialVisitor<R> |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.QUERY |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.SUBSCRIPTION |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.VARIABLELowbarDEFINITION |
ExecutableDirectiveLocation.Visitor<R> |
ExecutableDocument |
ExistentialSubquery |
ExistentialSubquery.PartialVisitor<R> |
ExistentialSubquery.Pattern |
ExistentialSubquery.Regular |
ExistentialSubquery.Visitor<R> |
Expect |
Functions for decoding of native Java values from Hydra terms.
ExplicitConstructorInvocation |
ExplicitConstructorInvocation_Variant |
ExplicitConstructorInvocation_Variant.PartialVisitor<R> |
ExplicitConstructorInvocation_Variant.Primary |
ExplicitConstructorInvocation_Variant.Super |
ExplicitConstructorInvocation_Variant.This |
ExplicitConstructorInvocation_Variant.Visitor<R> |
ExplicitProcedureInvocation |
Export |
An export statement
Export |
Export.Declaration |
Export.Module |
Export.PartialVisitor<R> |
Export.Visitor<R> |
Expr |
An abstract expression
Expr.Brackets |
Expr.Const |
Expr.Indent |
Expr.Op |
Expr.PartialVisitor<R> |
Expr.Visitor<R> |
Expression |
Expression |
A data expression
Expression |
Expression |
Expression_Application |
An application expression
Expression_Case |
A case expression
Expression_ConstructRecord |
A record constructor expression
Expression_If |
An 'if' expression
Expression_InfixApplication |
An infix application expression
Expression_Lambda |
A lambda expression
Expression_Let |
A 'let' expression
Expression_PrefixApplication |
A prefix expression
Expression_Section |
A section expression
Expression_TypeSignature |
A type signature expression
Expression_UpdateRecord |
An update record expression
Expression.Application |
Expression.Assignment |
Expression.Associative |
Expression.Binary |
Expression.Case |
Expression.ConstructRecord |
Expression.Do |
Expression.If |
Expression.InfixApplication |
Expression.Lambda |
Expression.Lambda |
Expression.LeftSection |
Expression.Let |
Expression.List |
Expression.Literal |
Expression.Parens |
Expression.PartialVisitor<R> |
Expression.PartialVisitor<R> |
Expression.PartialVisitor<R> |
Expression.PrefixApplication |
Expression.Property |
Expression.RightSection |
Expression.Tuple |
Expression.TypeSignature |
Expression.Unary |
Expression.UpdateRecord |
Expression.Variable |
Expression.Variable |
Expression.Vertex |
Expression.Visitor<R> |
Expression.Visitor<R> |
Expression.Visitor<R> |
ExpressionName |
ExpressionStatement |
Extras |
Basic functions which depend on primitive functions
Fail |
Field |
A name/term pair
Field |
Field |
A field (name/type pair)
Field |
Field |
A single field of a message type
Field |
A single field of a message type.
Field.Cardinality |
The field cardinality.
Field.DefaultValue |
The string value of the default value of this field.
Field.JsonName |
The field JSON name.
Field.Kind |
The field type.
Field.Name |
The field name.
Field.Number_ |
The field number.
Field.OneofIndex |
The index of the field type in `Type.oneofs`, for message or enumeration types.
Field.Options |
The protocol buffer options.
Field.Packed |
Whether to use alternative packed wire representation.
Field.PartialVisitor<R> |
Field.TypeUrl |
The field type URL, without the scheme, for message or enumeration types.
Field.Visitor<R> |
FieldAccess |
FieldAccess_Qualifier |
FieldAccess_Qualifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
FieldAccess_Qualifier.Primary |
FieldAccess_Qualifier.Super |
FieldAccess_Qualifier.Typed |
FieldAccess_Qualifier.Visitor<R> |
FieldDeclaration |
FieldDefinition |
FieldModifier |
FieldModifier.Annotation |
FieldModifier.Final |
FieldModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
FieldModifier.Private |
FieldModifier.Protected |
FieldModifier.Public |
FieldModifier.Static |
FieldModifier.Transient |
FieldModifier.Visitor<R> |
FieldModifier.Volatile |
FieldName |
FieldName |
The name of a field
FieldsDefinition |
FieldType |
A name/type pair
FieldType |
FieldType.Map |
FieldType.Oneof |
FieldType.PartialVisitor<R> |
FieldType.Repeated |
FieldType.Simple |
FieldType.Visitor<R> |
FieldUpdate |
A field name and value
FieldWithComments |
A field together with any comments
FileExtension |
FileReference |
FilterExpression |
Finally |
Fixed |
Float32ToBigfloat |
Float64ToBigfloat |
FloatingPointLiteral |
Note: this is an approximation which ignores encoding
FloatingPointType |
FloatingPointType.Double_ |
FloatingPointType.Float_ |
FloatingPointType.PartialVisitor<R> |
FloatingPointType.Visitor<R> |
FloatType |
A floating-point type
FloatType.Bigfloat |
FloatType.Float32 |
FloatType.Float64 |
FloatType.PartialVisitor<R> |
FloatType.Visitor<R> |
FloatValue |
A floating-point literal value
FloatValue |
FloatValue.Bigfloat |
An arbitrary-precision floating-point value
FloatValue.Float32 |
A 32-bit floating-point value
FloatValue.Float64 |
A 64-bit floating-point value
FloatValue.PartialVisitor<R> |
FloatValue.Visitor<R> |
Flow<S,X> |
A variant of the State monad with built-in logging and error handling
FlowException |
Flows |
Flows |
A collection of convenience methods for constructing and composing flows, or stateful computations.
FlowState<S,X> |
The result of evaluating a Flow
Foldl |
ForCond |
ForeignKey |
A mapping from certain columns of a source relation to primary key columns of a target relation
ForInit |
ForInit.LocalVariable |
ForInit.PartialVisitor<R> |
ForInit.Statements |
ForInit.Visitor<R> |
FormalParameter |
FormalParameter_Simple |
FormalParameter.PartialVisitor<R> |
FormalParameter.Simple |
FormalParameter.VariableArity |
FormalParameter.Visitor<R> |
ForStatement |
ForStatement.Basic |
ForStatement.Enhanced |
ForStatement.PartialVisitor<R> |
ForStatement.Visitor<R> |
ForStatementNoShortIf |
ForStatementNoShortIf.Basic |
ForStatementNoShortIf.Enhanced |
ForStatementNoShortIf.PartialVisitor<R> |
ForStatementNoShortIf.Visitor<R> |
ForUpdate |
FragmentDefinition |
FragmentName |
FragmentSpread |
FromCypher |
FromList |
FromList |
FromList |
Function |
A function
Function.Elimination |
An elimination for any of a few term variants
Function.Lambda |
A function abstraction (lambda)
Function.PartialVisitor<R> |
Function.Primitive |
A reference to a built-in (primitive) function
Function.Visitor<R> |
Function3<A,B,C,R> |
Function4<A,B,C,D,R> |
FunctionFeatures |
Standard Cypher functions
FunctionInvocation |
FunctionType |
A function type, also known as an arrow type
FunctionVariant |
The identifier of a function constructor
FunctionVariant.Elimination |
FunctionVariant.Lambda |
FunctionVariant.PartialVisitor<R> |
FunctionVariant.Primitive |
FunctionVariant.Visitor<R> |
GenAIFunctionFeatures |
GenAI functions
Grammar |
An enhanced Backus-Naur form (BNF) grammar
Graph |
Graph |
A graph, or set of name/term bindings together with parameters (annotations, primitives) and a schema graph
Graph<V> |
A graph; a self-contained collection of vertices and edges
GraphFunctionFeatures |
Graph functions
GraphPattern |
A query pattern which matches within a designated component subgraph
Graphs |
DSL for constructing property graph types (vertex and edge types, property types)
and values (vertices, edges, and properties).
GraphSchema<T> |
A graph schema; a vertex and edge types for the vertices and edges of a graph conforming to the schema
GteInt32 |
GtInt32 |
Head |
HeaderRow |
A header row, containing column names (but no types or data)
HydraSchemaSpec |
The specification of a Hydra schema, provided as a set of modules and a distinguished type
HydraTestBase |
Identifier |
Identity |
IdInColl |
IfElse |
IfThenElseStatement |
IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf |
IfThenStatement |
ImplementsInterfaces |
ImplementsInterfaces_Sequence |
ImplementsInterfaces_Sequence2 |
ImplementsInterfaces.PartialVisitor<R> |
ImplementsInterfaces.Sequence |
ImplementsInterfaces.Sequence2 |
ImplementsInterfaces.Visitor<R> |
ImplicitProcedureInvocation |
Import |
An import statement
Import |
Import_Spec |
An import specification
Import_Spec.Hiding |
Import_Spec.List |
Import_Spec.PartialVisitor<R> |
Import_Spec.Visitor<R> |
ImportDeclaration |
ImportDeclaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
ImportDeclaration.SingleStaticImport |
ImportDeclaration.SingleType |
ImportDeclaration.StaticImportOnDemand |
ImportDeclaration.TypeImportOnDemand |
ImportDeclaration.Visitor<R> |
Importee |
Importee_Given |
Importee_Name |
Importee_Rename |
Importee_Unimport |
Importee.Given |
Importee.GivenAll |
Importee.Name |
Importee.PartialVisitor<R> |
Importee.Rename |
Importee.Unimport |
Importee.Visitor<R> |
Importee.Wildcard |
Importer |
ImportExportSpec |
An import or export specification
ImportExportSpec_Subspec |
ImportExportSpec_Subspec.All |
ImportExportSpec_Subspec.List |
ImportExportSpec_Subspec.PartialVisitor<R> |
ImportExportSpec_Subspec.Visitor<R> |
ImportExportStat |
ImportExportStat.Export |
ImportExportStat.Import |
ImportExportStat.PartialVisitor<R> |
ImportExportStat.Visitor<R> |
ImportModifier |
An import modifier ('pattern' or 'type')
ImportModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
ImportModifier.Pattern |
ImportModifier.Type |
ImportModifier.Visitor<R> |
InclusiveOrExpression |
IndentedExpression |
An expression indented in a certain style
IndentStyle |
Any of several indentation styles
IndentStyle.AllLines |
IndentStyle.PartialVisitor<R> |
IndentStyle.SubsequentLines |
IndentStyle.Visitor<R> |
Init |
Injection |
An instance of a union type; i.e.
InlineFragment |
InputFieldsDefinition |
InputObjectTypeDefinition |
InputObjectTypeDefinition_Sequence |
InputObjectTypeDefinition_Sequence2 |
InputObjectTypeDefinition.PartialVisitor<R> |
InputObjectTypeDefinition.Sequence |
InputObjectTypeDefinition.Sequence2 |
InputObjectTypeDefinition.Visitor<R> |
InputObjectTypeExtension |
InputObjectTypeExtension_Sequence |
InputObjectTypeExtension_Sequence2 |
InputObjectTypeExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
InputObjectTypeExtension.Sequence |
InputObjectTypeExtension.Sequence2 |
InputObjectTypeExtension.Visitor<R> |
InputValueDefinition |
InQueryCall |
Insert |
Insert |
InstanceInitializer |
Int16ToBigint |
Int32ToBigint |
Int64ToBigint |
Int8ToBigint |
IntegerLiteral |
Note: this is an approximation which ignores encoding
IntegerType |
An integer type
IntegerType.Bigint |
IntegerType.Int16 |
IntegerType.Int32 |
IntegerType.Int64 |
IntegerType.Int8 |
IntegerType.PartialVisitor<R> |
IntegerType.Uint16 |
IntegerType.Uint32 |
IntegerType.Uint64 |
IntegerType.Uint8 |
IntegerType.Visitor<R> |
IntegerValue |
An integer literal value
IntegerValue.Bigint |
An arbitrary-precision integer value
IntegerValue.Int16 |
A 16-bit signed integer value (short value)
IntegerValue.Int32 |
A 32-bit signed integer value (int value)
IntegerValue.Int64 |
A 64-bit signed integer value (long value)
IntegerValue.Int8 |
An 8-bit signed integer value
IntegerValue.PartialVisitor<R> |
IntegerValue.Uint16 |
A 16-bit unsigned integer value
IntegerValue.Uint32 |
A 32-bit unsigned integer value (unsigned int)
IntegerValue.Uint64 |
A 64-bit unsigned integer value (unsigned long)
IntegerValue.Uint8 |
An 8-bit unsigned integer value (byte)
IntegerValue.Visitor<R> |
IntegralType |
IntegralType.Byte_ |
IntegralType.Char |
IntegralType.Int |
IntegralType.Long_ |
IntegralType.PartialVisitor<R> |
IntegralType.Short_ |
IntegralType.Visitor<R> |
Intercalate |
Intercalate |
InterfaceBody |
InterfaceDeclaration |
InterfaceDeclaration.AnnotationType |
InterfaceDeclaration.NormalInterface |
InterfaceDeclaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
InterfaceDeclaration.Visitor<R> |
InterfaceMemberDeclaration |
InterfaceMemberDeclaration.Class_ |
InterfaceMemberDeclaration.Constant |
InterfaceMemberDeclaration.Interface |
InterfaceMemberDeclaration.InterfaceMethod |
InterfaceMemberDeclaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
InterfaceMemberDeclaration.Visitor<R> |
InterfaceMethodDeclaration |
InterfaceMethodModifier |
InterfaceMethodModifier.Abstract |
InterfaceMethodModifier.Annotation |
InterfaceMethodModifier.Default |
InterfaceMethodModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
InterfaceMethodModifier.Private |
InterfaceMethodModifier.Public |
InterfaceMethodModifier.Static |
InterfaceMethodModifier.Strictfp |
InterfaceMethodModifier.Visitor<R> |
InterfaceModifier |
InterfaceModifier.Abstract |
InterfaceModifier.Annotation |
InterfaceModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
InterfaceModifier.Private |
InterfaceModifier.Protected |
InterfaceModifier.Public |
InterfaceModifier.Static |
InterfaceModifier.Strictfb |
InterfaceModifier.Visitor<R> |
InterfaceType |
InterfaceTypeDefinition |
InterfaceTypeDefinition_Sequence |
InterfaceTypeDefinition_Sequence2 |
InterfaceTypeDefinition.PartialVisitor<R> |
InterfaceTypeDefinition.Sequence |
InterfaceTypeDefinition.Sequence2 |
InterfaceTypeDefinition.Visitor<R> |
InterfaceTypeExtension |
InterfaceTypeExtension_Sequence |
InterfaceTypeExtension_Sequence2 |
InterfaceTypeExtension_Sequence3 |
InterfaceTypeExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
InterfaceTypeExtension.Sequence |
InterfaceTypeExtension.Sequence2 |
InterfaceTypeExtension.Sequence3 |
InterfaceTypeExtension.Visitor<R> |
Intersection |
Intersperse |
IntValue |
Iri |
An Internationalized Resource Identifier
IriOrLiteral |
An IRI or a literal; this type is a convenience for downstream models like SHACL which may exclude blank nodes
IriOrLiteral.Iri |
IriOrLiteral.Literal |
IriOrLiteral.PartialVisitor<R> |
IriOrLiteral.Visitor<R> |
IsEmpty |
IsEmpty |
IsEmpty |
IsJust |
IsNothing |
JsonDecoding |
Decoding functions for Hydra's native JSON values which are intended for use in Java.
JsonDecoding.JsonDecodingException |
JsonEncoding |
Encoding functions for Hydra's native JSON values
JsonEncoding.ObjectBuilder |
JsonIoCoder<S1,S2> |
A bidirectional coder between Hydra's native JSON values and the JSON objects supported by json-io.
JsonSerde<S1,S2> |
A bidirectional coder between Hydra's native JSON values and strings (via json-io).
Keys |
KeyValuePair |
Kind |
Basic field types.
Kind.Bool |
Field type bool.
Kind.Bytes |
Field type bytes.
Kind.Double_ |
Field type double.
Kind.Enum_ |
Field type enum.
Kind.Fixed32 |
Field type fixed32.
Kind.Fixed64 |
Field type fixed64.
Kind.Float_ |
Field type float.
Kind.Group |
Field type group.
Kind.Int32 |
Field type int32.
Kind.Int64 |
Field type int64.
Kind.Message |
Field type message.
Kind.PartialVisitor<R> |
Kind.Sfixed32 |
Field type sfixed32.
Kind.Sfixed64 |
Field type sfixed64.
Kind.Sint32 |
Field type sint32.
Kind.Sint64 |
Field type sint64.
Kind.String_ |
Field type string.
Kind.Uint32 |
Field type uint32.
Kind.Uint64 |
Field type uint64.
Kind.Unknown |
Field type unknown.
Kind.Visitor<R> |
Label |
A name for a pattern
Label |
Either a vertex or edge label
Label.Edge |
Label.PartialVisitor<R> |
Label.Vertex |
Label.Visitor<R> |
LabeledPattern |
A pattern together with a name (label)
LabeledStatement |
LabeledStatementNoShortIf |
Lambda |
A function abstraction (lambda)
LambdaBody |
LambdaBody.Block |
LambdaBody.Expression |
LambdaBody.PartialVisitor<R> |
LambdaBody.Visitor<R> |
LambdaExpression |
LambdaParameter |
LambdaParameter_Normal |
LambdaParameter.Normal |
LambdaParameter.PartialVisitor<R> |
LambdaParameter.VariableArity |
LambdaParameter.Visitor<R> |
LambdaParameters |
LambdaParameters.PartialVisitor<R> |
LambdaParameters.Single |
LambdaParameters.Tuple |
LambdaParameters.Visitor<R> |
LambdaParameterType |
LambdaParameterType.PartialVisitor<R> |
LambdaParameterType.Type |
LambdaParameterType.Var |
LambdaParameterType.Visitor<R> |
LambdaType |
A type abstraction; the type-level analog of a lambda term
LangStrings |
A convenience type which provides at most one string value per language, and optionally a value without a language
Language |
A named language together with language-specific constraints
Language |
Language constraints for Java
Language |
Language constraints for Protobuf v3
LanguageConstraints |
A set of constraints on valid type and term expressions, characterizing a language
LanguageName |
The unique name of a language
LanguageTag |
A BCP47 language tag
Last |
LastMile<S,A> |
The last mile of a transformation, which encodes and serializes terms to a file
LeftHandSide |
LeftHandSide.ArrayAccess |
LeftHandSide.ExpressionName |
LeftHandSide.FieldAccess |
LeftHandSide.PartialVisitor<R> |
LeftHandSide.Visitor<R> |
Length |
Length |
Let |
A set of (possibly recursive) 'let' bindings together with an environment in which they are bound
LetBinding |
A field with an optional type scheme, used to bind variables to terms in a 'let' expression
LetQuery |
Lexical |
Lexical functions (which deal with named elements and primitives within graphs).
Libraries |
A registry of all of the primitive functions available in Hydra-Java.
Library |
A library of primitive functions
Limit |
ListComprehension |
ListFeatures |
List functionality
ListFunctionFeatures |
List functions
ListLiteral |
ListOperatorExpression |
ListOperatorExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
ListOperatorExpression.Range |
ListOperatorExpression.Single |
ListOperatorExpression.Visitor<R> |
ListOperatorExpressionOrPropertyLookup |
ListOperatorExpressionOrPropertyLookup.List |
ListOperatorExpressionOrPropertyLookup.PartialVisitor<R> |
ListOperatorExpressionOrPropertyLookup.Property |
ListOperatorExpressionOrPropertyLookup.Visitor<R> |
ListPredicateExpression |
Lists |
ListType |
ListValue |
ListValue_Sequence |
ListValue.PartialVisitor<R> |
ListValue.Sequence |
ListValue.Sequence2 |
ListValue.Visitor<R> |
Lit |
Lit.Boolean_ |
Lit.Byte_ |
Lit.Char |
Lit.Double_ |
Lit.Float_ |
Lit.Int |
Lit.Long_ |
Lit.Null |
Lit.PartialVisitor<R> |
Lit.Short_ |
Lit.String_ |
Lit.Symbol |
Lit.Unit |
Lit.Visitor<R> |
Literal |
A term constant; an instance of a literal type
Literal |
Literal |
A literal value
Literal |
Literal |
A value such as a string, number, or date
Literal.Binary |
A binary literal
Literal.Boolean_ |
A boolean literal
Literal.Boolean_ |
Literal.Boolean_ |
Literal.Char |
Literal.Character_ |
Literal.Double_ |
Literal.Float_ |
A floating-point literal
Literal.Float_ |
Literal.FloatingPoint |
Literal.Int |
Literal.Integer_ |
An integer literal
Literal.Integer_ |
Literal.Integer_ |
Literal.List |
Literal.Map |
Literal.Null |
Literal.Null |
Literal.Number_ |
Literal.PartialVisitor<R> |
Literal.PartialVisitor<R> |
Literal.PartialVisitor<R> |
Literal.PartialVisitor<R> |
Literal.String_ |
A string literal
Literal.String_ |
Literal.String_ |
Literal.String_ |
Literal.Visitor<R> |
Literal.Visitor<R> |
Literal.Visitor<R> |
Literal.Visitor<R> |
LiteralFeatures |
Various types of literal values
Literals |
DSL functions for working with literal values.
Literals |
LiteralType |
Any of a fixed set of literal types, also called atomic types, base types, primitive types, or type constants
LiteralType.Binary |
LiteralType.Boolean_ |
LiteralType.Float_ |
LiteralType.Integer_ |
LiteralType.PartialVisitor<R> |
LiteralType.String_ |
LiteralType.Visitor<R> |
LiteralTypes |
DSL utilities for working with literal types.
LiteralVariant |
The identifier of a literal constructor
LiteralVariant.Binary |
LiteralVariant.Boolean_ |
LiteralVariant.Float_ |
LiteralVariant.Integer_ |
LiteralVariant.PartialVisitor<R> |
LiteralVariant.String_ |
LiteralVariant.Visitor<R> |
LList<X> |
A simple tail-sharing linked list.
LoadCSVFunctionFeatures |
Load CSV functions
LocalBinding |
LocalBinding.PartialVisitor<R> |
LocalBinding.Signature |
LocalBinding.Value |
LocalBinding.Visitor<R> |
LocalBindings |
LocalVariableDeclaration |
LocalVariableDeclarationStatement |
LocalVariableType |
LocalVariableType.PartialVisitor<R> |
LocalVariableType.Type |
LocalVariableType.Var |
LocalVariableType.Visitor<R> |
LogarithmicFunctionFeatures |
Logarithmic functions
LogicalFeatures |
Logical operations
Lookup |
LteInt32 |
LtInt32 |
Map |
Map |
Map |
Map |
Map |
Map |
MapKeys |
MapList |
MapLiteral |
MapperBase |
A base class for simple functional mappers with exceptions (specific to Java)
MapperBase.MapperException |
Maps |
MapType |
A map type
MarkerAnnotation |
Match |
MatchFeatures |
Match queries
MatchOrCreate |
MatchOrCreate.Create |
MatchOrCreate.Match |
MatchOrCreate.PartialVisitor<R> |
MatchOrCreate.Visitor<R> |
MatchQuery |
Math |
Member |
Member_Data |
Member_Data.Object_ |
Member_Data.PartialVisitor<R> |
Member_Data.Pkg |
Member_Data.Visitor<R> |
Member_Type |
Member.PartialVisitor<R> |
Member.Self |
Member.Term |
Member.TermParam |
Member.Type |
Member.TypeParam |
Member.Visitor<R> |
Merge |
MergeAction |
MergeFeatures |
Merge operations
Merging |
Utilities for combining multiple vertex or edge types into a single "merged" vertex or edge type,
and correspondingly encoding and decoding vertices and edges of these types.
Merging.IdAdapters<T,V> |
A helper object which defines merged vertex and edge id types, and a value coder for each vertex and edge label.
MessageDefinition |
A protocol buffer message type
Messages |
A collection of standard error and warning messages
MethodBody |
MethodBody.Block |
MethodBody.None |
MethodBody.PartialVisitor<R> |
MethodBody.Visitor<R> |
MethodDeclaration |
MethodDeclarator |
MethodHeader |
MethodInvocation |
MethodInvocation_Complex |
MethodInvocation_Header |
MethodInvocation_Header.Complex |
MethodInvocation_Header.PartialVisitor<R> |
MethodInvocation_Header.Simple |
MethodInvocation_Header.Visitor<R> |
MethodInvocation_Variant |
MethodInvocation_Variant.Expression |
MethodInvocation_Variant.PartialVisitor<R> |
MethodInvocation_Variant.Primary |
MethodInvocation_Variant.Super |
MethodInvocation_Variant.Type |
MethodInvocation_Variant.TypeSuper |
MethodInvocation_Variant.Visitor<R> |
MethodModifier |
MethodModifier.Abstract |
MethodModifier.Annotation |
MethodModifier.Final |
MethodModifier.Native |
MethodModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
MethodModifier.Private |
MethodModifier.Protected |
MethodModifier.Public |
MethodModifier.Static |
MethodModifier.Strictfb |
MethodModifier.Synchronized |
MethodModifier.Visitor<R> |
MethodName |
MethodReference |
MethodReference_Array |
MethodReference_Expression |
MethodReference_New |
MethodReference_Primary |
MethodReference_ReferenceType |
MethodReference_Super |
MethodReference.Array |
MethodReference.Expression |
MethodReference.New |
MethodReference.PartialVisitor<R> |
MethodReference.Primary |
MethodReference.ReferenceType |
MethodReference.Super |
MethodReference.Visitor<R> |
Mod |
Mod |
Mod_Annot |
Mod_Private |
Mod_Protected |
Mod.Abstract |
Mod.Annot |
Mod.Case |
Mod.Contravariant |
Mod.Covariant |
Mod.Final |
Mod.Implicit |
Mod.Infix |
Mod.Inline |
Mod.Lazy |
Mod.Opaque |
Mod.Open |
Mod.Override_ |
Mod.PartialVisitor<R> |
Mod.Private |
Mod.Protected |
Mod.Sealed |
Mod.Super |
Mod.Transparent |
Mod.Using |
Mod.ValParam |
Mod.VarParam |
Mod.Visitor<R> |
ModularCompilationUnit |
Module |
Module |
A logical collection of elements in the same namespace, having dependencies on zero or more other modules
ModuleBuilder |
ModuleDeclaration |
ModuleDirective |
ModuleDirective_ExportsOrOpens |
ModuleDirective_Provides |
ModuleDirective_Requires |
ModuleDirective.Exports |
ModuleDirective.Opens |
ModuleDirective.PartialVisitor<R> |
ModuleDirective.Provides |
ModuleDirective.Requires |
ModuleDirective.Uses |
ModuleDirective.Visitor<R> |
ModuleHead |
ModuleName |
ModuleName |
Modules |
Mul |
MultiPartQuery |
MultiplicativeExpression |
MultiplicativeExpression_Binary |
MultiplicativeExpression.Divide |
MultiplicativeExpression.Mod |
MultiplicativeExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
MultiplicativeExpression.Times |
MultiplicativeExpression.Unary |
MultiplicativeExpression.Visitor<R> |
MultiplyDivideModuloExpression |
MultiplyDivideModuloOperator |
MultiplyDivideModuloOperator.Divide |
MultiplyDivideModuloOperator.Modulo |
MultiplyDivideModuloOperator.Multiply |
MultiplyDivideModuloOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
MultiplyDivideModuloOperator.Visitor<R> |
MultiplyDivideModuloRightHandSide |
Name |
A unique identifier in some context; a string-valued key
Name |
Name |
Name |
Name |
Name.Anonymous |
Name.Implicit |
Name.Indeterminate |
Name.Normal |
Name.Parens |
Name.PartialVisitor<R> |
Name.PartialVisitor<R> |
Name.Value |
Name.Visitor<R> |
Name.Visitor<R> |
Named |
NamedSchema |
NamedSchema_Type |
NamedSchema_Type.Enum_ |
NamedSchema_Type.PartialVisitor<R> |
NamedSchema_Type.Record |
NamedSchema_Type.Typeref |
NamedSchema_Type.Visitor<R> |
NamedType |
NamedType |
NamedType.Enum_ |
NamedType.Fixed |
NamedType.PartialVisitor<R> |
NamedType.Record |
NamedType.Visitor<R> |
NamePart |
Namespace |
Namespace |
A prefix for element names
Neg |
Node |
Node |
A YAML node (value)
Node |
A node in a query expression; it may be a term, a variable, or a wildcard
Node.Bnode |
Node.Iri |
Node.Literal |
Node.Mapping |
Node.PartialVisitor<R> |
Node.PartialVisitor<R> |
Node.PartialVisitor<R> |
Node.Scalar |
Node.Sequence |
Node.Term |
A graph term; an expression which is valid in the graph being matched
Node.Variable |
A query variable, not to be confused with a variable term
Node.Visitor<R> |
Node.Visitor<R> |
Node.Visitor<R> |
Node.Wildcard |
An anonymous variable which we do not care to join across patterns
NodeKind |
NodeKind.BlankNode |
A blank node
NodeKind.BlankNodeOrIri |
A blank node or an IRI
NodeKind.BlankNodeOrLiteral |
A blank node or a literal
NodeKind.Iri |
NodeKind.IriOrLiteral |
An IRI or a literal
NodeKind.Literal |
A literal
NodeKind.PartialVisitor<R> |
NodeKind.Visitor<R> |
NodeLabel |
NodeLabels |
NodePattern |
NodePatternChain |
NodePatternFeatures |
Node patterns
NodeShape |
A SHACL node shape.
NonArithmeticOperatorExpression |
NonNullType |
NonNullType.List |
NonNullType.Named |
NonNullType.PartialVisitor<R> |
NonNullType.Visitor<R> |
NormalAnnotation |
NormalClassDeclaration |
NormalInterfaceDeclaration |
Not |
NotExpression |
Nub |
Null |
NullFeatures |
NullPredicateExpression |
NullValue |
NumberLiteral |
NumberLiteral.Double_ |
NumberLiteral.Integer_ |
NumberLiteral.PartialVisitor<R> |
NumberLiteral.Visitor<R> |
NumericFunctionFeatures |
Numeric functions
NumericType |
NumericType.FloatingPoint |
NumericType.Integral |
NumericType.PartialVisitor<R> |
NumericType.Visitor<R> |
NumericTypeArray |
NumericTypeArray.Array |
NumericTypeArray.PartialVisitor<R> |
NumericTypeArray.Simple |
NumericTypeArray.Visitor<R> |
ObjectField |
ObjectTypeDefinition |
ObjectTypeExtension |
ObjectTypeExtension_Sequence |
ObjectTypeExtension_Sequence2 |
ObjectTypeExtension_Sequence3 |
ObjectTypeExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
ObjectTypeExtension.Sequence |
ObjectTypeExtension.Sequence2 |
ObjectTypeExtension.Sequence3 |
ObjectTypeExtension.Visitor<R> |
ObjectValue |
ObjectValue_Sequence |
ObjectValue.PartialVisitor<R> |
ObjectValue.Sequence |
ObjectValue.Sequence2 |
ObjectValue.Visitor<R> |
Op |
An operator symbol
OperationDefinition |
OperationDefinition_Sequence |
OperationDefinition.PartialVisitor<R> |
OperationDefinition.SelectionSet |
OperationDefinition.Sequence |
OperationDefinition.Visitor<R> |
OperationType |
OperationType.Mutation |
OperationType.PartialVisitor<R> |
OperationType.Query |
OperationType.Subscription |
OperationType.Visitor<R> |
Operator |
Operator.Backtick |
Operator.Normal |
Operator.PartialVisitor<R> |
Operator.Visitor<R> |
OpExpr |
An operator expression
Opt<T> |
A clone of java.util.Optional which implements Serializable and can therefore be used with frameworks
including Spark which require serializable objects.
Option |
A protocol buffer option, which can be attached to a message, field, enumeration, etc
Option |
A protocol buffer option, which can be attached to a message, field, enumeration, etc.
OptionalCases |
A case statement for matching optional terms
Optionals |
Or |
Order |
Order |
Order.Ascending |
Order.Descending |
Order.Ignore |
Order.PartialVisitor<R> |
Order.Visitor<R> |
OrdinaryCompilationUnit |
OrExpression |
Package_ |
PackageDeclaration |
PackageModifier |
PackageName |
PackageName |
PackageOrTypeName |
Padding |
Left and right padding for an operator
Parameter |
Parameter.Integer_ |
Parameter.PartialVisitor<R> |
Parameter.Symbolic |
Parameter.Visitor<R> |
ParenthesizedExpression |
PartialComparisonExpression |
Pat |
Pat_Alternative |
Pat_Bind |
Pat_Extract |
Pat_ExtractInfix |
Pat_Given |
Pat_Interpolate |
Pat_Macro |
Pat_Repeated |
Pat_Tuple |
Pat_Typed |
Pat_Var |
Pat_Xml |
Pat.Alternative |
Pat.Bind |
Pat.Extract |
Pat.ExtractInfix |
Pat.Given |
Pat.Interpolate |
Pat.Macro |
Pat.PartialVisitor<R> |
Pat.Repeated |
Pat.SeqWildcard |
Pat.Tuple |
Pat.Typed |
Pat.Var |
Pat.Visitor<R> |
Pat.Wildcard |
Pat.Xml |
Path |
A query path
Path.Inverse |
A path given by the inverse of another path
Path.PartialVisitor<R> |
Path.Regex |
A path given by a regular expression quantifier applied to another path
Path.Step |
A path given by a single step
Path.Visitor<R> |
PathEquation |
A declared equivalence between two abstract paths in a graph
PathFeatures |
Path functions only found in OpenCypher
Pattern |
Pattern |
Pattern |
A SHACL pattern.
Pattern |
A pattern which matches valid expressions in the language
Pattern |
A query pattern
Pattern_Application |
Pattern_As |
Pattern_Record |
Pattern_Typed |
Pattern.Alternatives |
Pattern.Application |
Pattern.As |
Pattern.Conjunction |
The conjunction ('and') of several other patterns
Pattern.Constant |
Pattern.Disjunction |
The disjunction (inclusive 'or') of several other patterns
Pattern.Graph |
A pattern which matches within a named subgraph
Pattern.Ignored |
Pattern.Labeled |
Pattern.List |
Pattern.Literal |
Pattern.Name |
Pattern.Negation |
The negation of another pattern
Pattern.Nil |
Pattern.Nonterminal |
Pattern.Option |
Pattern.Parens |
Pattern.PartialVisitor<R> |
Pattern.PartialVisitor<R> |
Pattern.PartialVisitor<R> |
Pattern.Plus |
Pattern.Record |
Pattern.Regex |
Pattern.Sequence |
Pattern.Star |
Pattern.Triple |
A subject/predicate/object pattern
Pattern.Tuple |
Pattern.Typed |
Pattern.Visitor<R> |
Pattern.Visitor<R> |
Pattern.Visitor<R> |
Pattern.Wildcard |
PatternComprehension |
PatternElement |
PatternElement.Chained |
PatternElement.Parenthesized |
PatternElement.PartialVisitor<R> |
PatternElement.Visitor<R> |
PatternElementChain |
PatternField |
PatternImplication |
A pattern which, if it matches in a given graph, implies that another pattern must also match.
PatternPart |
PatternPredicate |
PatternWhere |
Pkg |
Pkg_Object |
PostDecrementExpression |
PostfixExpression |
PostfixExpression.Name |
PostfixExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
PostfixExpression.PostDecrement |
PostfixExpression.PostIncrement |
PostfixExpression.Primary |
PostfixExpression.Visitor<R> |
PostIncrementExpression |
PowerOfExpression |
Precedence |
Operator precedence
Precision |
Numeric precision: arbitrary precision, or precision to a specified number of bits
Precision.Arbitrary |
Precision.Bits |
Precision.PartialVisitor<R> |
Precision.Visitor<R> |
PreDecrementExpression |
PredefString |
PredicateFunctionFeatures |
Predicate functions
PreIncrementExpression |
PrettyPrinter |
A temporary pretty-printer for terms, for the sake of tests and debugging.
Primary |
Primary.ArrayCreation |
Primary.NoNewArray |
Primary.PartialVisitor<R> |
Primary.Visitor<R> |
PrimaryKey |
A primary key of a relation, specified either as a single column, or as a list of columns
PrimaryNoNewArray |
PrimaryNoNewArray.ArrayAccess |
PrimaryNoNewArray.ClassInstance |
PrimaryNoNewArray.ClassLiteral |
PrimaryNoNewArray.DotThis |
PrimaryNoNewArray.FieldAccess |
PrimaryNoNewArray.Literal |
PrimaryNoNewArray.MethodInvocation |
PrimaryNoNewArray.MethodReference |
PrimaryNoNewArray.Parens |
PrimaryNoNewArray.PartialVisitor<R> |
PrimaryNoNewArray.This |
PrimaryNoNewArray.Visitor<R> |
Primitive |
Primitive |
A built-in function
Primitive.Boolean_ |
A binary value
Primitive.Bytes |
sequence of 8-bit unsigned bytes
Primitive.Double_ |
double precision (64-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number
Primitive.Float_ |
single precision (32-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number
Primitive.Int |
32-bit signed integer
Primitive.Long_ |
64-bit signed integer
Primitive.Null |
no value
Primitive.PartialVisitor<R> |
Primitive.String_ |
unicode character sequence
Primitive.Visitor<R> |
PrimitiveFunction |
Any of Hydra's primitive functions, implemented in Java
PrimitiveType |
PrimitiveType |
PrimitiveType<T> |
A wrapper for a type which can be used as the basis of equality and comparison primitives.
PrimitiveType.Boolean_ |
PrimitiveType.Boolean_ |
PrimitiveType.Bytes |
PrimitiveType.Double_ |
PrimitiveType.Float_ |
PrimitiveType.Int |
PrimitiveType.Long_ |
PrimitiveType.Numeric |
PrimitiveType.PartialVisitor<R> |
PrimitiveType.PartialVisitor<R> |
PrimitiveType.String_ |
PrimitiveType.Visitor<R> |
PrimitiveType.Visitor<R> |
PrimitiveTypeWithAnnotations |
Printing |
Utilities for use in transformations
ProcedureCallFeatures |
Procedure calls
ProcedureInvocation |
ProcedureInvocation.Explicit |
ProcedureInvocation.Implicit |
ProcedureInvocation.PartialVisitor<R> |
ProcedureInvocation.Visitor<R> |
ProcedureResultField |
Production |
A BNF production
Projection |
A record elimination; a projection
Projection |
ProjectionBody |
ProjectionFeatures |
ProjectionItem |
ProjectionItems |
Projections |
Properties |
Properties.Map |
Properties.Parameter |
Properties.PartialVisitor<R> |
Properties.Visitor<R> |
Property |
A type representing an RDF property, and encapsulating its domain, range, and subclass relationships
Property |
Property<V> |
A key/value property
PropertyEquals |
PropertyExpression |
PropertyKey |
PropertyKey |
A property key
PropertyKeyName |
PropertyLookup |
PropertyPattern |
PropertyProjection |
PropertyShape |
A SHACL property shape.
PropertyShapeConstraint |
A number of constraint parameters which are specific to property shapes, and cannot be applied to node shapes
PropertyShapeConstraint.LessThan |
PropertyShapeConstraint.LessThanOrEquals |
PropertyShapeConstraint.MaxCount |
The maximum cardinality.
PropertyShapeConstraint.MinCount |
The minimum cardinality.
PropertyShapeConstraint.PartialVisitor<R> |
PropertyShapeConstraint.QualifiedValueShape |
PropertyShapeConstraint.UniqueLang |
PropertyShapeConstraint.Visitor<R> |
PropertySpec |
A mapping specification producing properties of a specified key, and values of the appropriate type.
PropertyType<T> |
The type of a property
PropertyValue |
PropertyValuePattern |
PropertyValuePattern.PartialVisitor<R> |
PropertyValuePattern.Value |
PropertyValuePattern.Variable |
PropertyValuePattern.Visitor<R> |
ProtoFile |
A .proto file, usually containing one or more enum or message type definitions
Pure |
Pure |
Pure |
Quad |
An RDF triple with an optional named graph component
QualifiedName |
QualifiedName |
QualifiedName |
QualifiedName |
A qualified name consisting of an optional namespace together with a mandatory local name
QualifiedValueShape |
Quantifier |
QuantifierFeatures |
Quantifier expressions
QuantifierOperator |
QuantifierOperator.All |
QuantifierOperator.Any |
QuantifierOperator.None |
QuantifierOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
QuantifierOperator.Single |
QuantifierOperator.Visitor<R> |
Quasi |
Queries |
Query |
Query |
Query |
A SELECT-style graph pattern matching query
Query.Aggregate |
Query.Application |
Query.LetQuery |
Query.Match |
Query.PartialVisitor<R> |
Query.PartialVisitor<R> |
Query.Regular |
Query.Select |
Query.Standalone |
Query.Value |
Query.Visitor<R> |
Query.Visitor<R> |
Range |
A range from min to max, inclusive
RangeExpression |
RangeLiteral |
RangeLiteralFeatures |
Range literals within relationship patterns
RdfsClass |
Stand-in for rdfs:Class
ReadingClause |
ReadingClause.InQueryCall |
ReadingClause.Match |
ReadingClause.PartialVisitor<R> |
ReadingClause.Unwind |
ReadingClause.Visitor<R> |
ReadingFeatures |
Specific syntax related to reading data from the graph.
ReceiverParameter |
Record |
A record, or labeled tuple; a map of field names to terms
Record |
RecordField |
RecordSchema |
Reduction |
Ref |
Ref.Init |
Ref.Name |
Ref.PartialVisitor<R> |
Ref.Visitor<R> |
Reference<A> |
Either an instance of a type like sh:Shape or sh:NodeShape, or an IRI which refers to an instance of that type
Reference.Anonymous<A> |
An anonymous instance
Reference.Definition<A> |
An inline definition
Reference.Named<A> |
Reference.PartialVisitor<A,R> |
Reference.Visitor<A,R> |
ReferenceType |
ReferenceType.Array |
ReferenceType.ClassOrInterface |
ReferenceType.PartialVisitor<R> |
ReferenceType.Variable |
ReferenceType.Visitor<R> |
Regex |
A regular expression
RegexQuantifier |
A regular expression quantifier
RegexQuantifier.AtLeast |
The {n,} quantifier; matches at least n occurrences
RegexQuantifier.Exactly |
The {n} quantifier; matches exactly n occurrences
RegexQuantifier.One |
No quantifier; matches a single occurrence
RegexQuantifier.OneOrMore |
The + quantifier; matches one or more occurrences
RegexQuantifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
RegexQuantifier.Range |
The {n, m} quantifier; matches between n and m (inclusive) occurrences
RegexQuantifier.Visitor<R> |
RegexQuantifier.ZeroOrMore |
The * quantifier; matches any number of occurrences
RegexQuantifier.ZeroOrOne |
The ? quanifier; matches zero or one occurrence
RegexSequence |
A path with a regex quantifier
RegularQuery |
Relation<V> |
A set of distinct n-tuples; a table
RelationalExpression |
RelationalExpression_GreaterThan |
RelationalExpression_GreaterThanEqual |
RelationalExpression_InstanceOf |
RelationalExpression_LessThan |
RelationalExpression_LessThanEqual |
RelationalExpression.GreaterThan |
RelationalExpression.GreaterThanEqual |
RelationalExpression.Instanceof |
RelationalExpression.LessThan |
RelationalExpression.LessThanEqual |
RelationalExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
RelationalExpression.Simple |
RelationalExpression.Visitor<R> |
RelationName |
A unique relation (table) name
RelationSchema<T> |
An abstract relation; the name and columns of a relation without its actual data
Relationship<V> |
A domain-unordered (string-indexed, rather than position-indexed) relation
RelationshipDetail |
RelationshipDirectionFeatures |
Relationship directions / arrow patterns
RelationshipPattern |
RelationshipPatternFeatures |
Relationship patterns
RelationshipsPattern |
RelationshipTypes |
RelTypeName |
Rem |
Remove |
Remove |
Remove |
RemoveFeatures |
REMOVE operations
RemoveItem |
RemoveItem.PartialVisitor<R> |
RemoveItem.Property |
RemoveItem.VariableLabels |
RemoveItem.Visitor<R> |
RequiresModifier |
RequiresModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
RequiresModifier.Static |
RequiresModifier.Transitive |
RequiresModifier.Visitor<R> |
Resource |
Resource |
Resource_Local |
Resource.Bnode |
Resource.Iri |
Resource.Local |
Resource.PartialVisitor<R> |
Resource.PartialVisitor<R> |
Resource.Variable |
Resource.Visitor<R> |
Resource.Visitor<R> |
ResourceSpecification |
Result |
Result.PartialVisitor<R> |
Result.Type |
Result.Visitor<R> |
Result.Void_ |
Return |
ReturnStatement |
Reverse |
Rewriting |
Utility functions for rewriting terms, types, and other recursive data structures.
RightHandSide |
RootOperationTypeDefinition |
Row<V> |
An n-tuple which is an element of a given relation
RowType |
A labeled record or union type
SafeHead |
Scalar |
A union of scalars supported in the YAML failsafe and JSON schemas.
Scalar.Bool |
Represents a true/false value
Scalar.Float_ |
Represents an approximation to real numbers
Scalar.Int |
Represents arbitrary sized finite mathematical integers
Scalar.Null |
Represents the lack of a value
Scalar.PartialVisitor<R> |
Scalar.Str |
A string value
Scalar.Visitor<R> |
ScalarFunctionFeatures |
Scalar functions
ScalarType |
One of several Proto3 scalar types
ScalarType.Bool |
ScalarType.Bytes |
ScalarType.Double_ |
ScalarType.Fixed32 |
ScalarType.Fixed64 |
ScalarType.Float_ |
ScalarType.Int32 |
ScalarType.Int64 |
ScalarType.PartialVisitor<R> |
ScalarType.Sfixed32 |
ScalarType.Sfixed64 |
ScalarType.Sint32 |
ScalarType.Sint64 |
ScalarType.String_ |
ScalarType.Uint32 |
ScalarType.Uint64 |
ScalarType.Visitor<R> |
ScalarTypeDefinition |
ScalarTypeExtension |
ScalaSymbol |
Schema |
Schema |
Schema<S,T,V> |
A set of mappings which translates between Hydra terms and annotations, and application-specific property graph types
Schema.Array |
Schema.Array |
Schema.Fixed |
Schema.Inline |
Schema.Map |
Schema.Map |
Schema.Named |
Schema.Named |
Schema.Null |
Schema.PartialVisitor<R> |
Schema.PartialVisitor<R> |
Schema.Primitive |
Schema.Primitive |
Schema.Reference |
A reference by name to a previously defined type
Schema.Union |
Schema.Union |
Schema.Visitor<R> |
Schema.Visitor<R> |
SchemaDefinition |
SchemaExtension |
SchemaExtension_Sequence |
SchemaExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
SchemaExtension.Sequence |
SchemaExtension.Sequence2 |
SchemaExtension.Visitor<R> |
SchemaFile |
SchemaSpec |
The specification of a schema at the source end of a workflow
SchemaSpec.File |
A schema provided as a file, available at the given file path
SchemaSpec.Hydra |
A native Hydra schema
SchemaSpec.PartialVisitor<R> |
SchemaSpec.Provided |
A schema which will be provided within the workflow
SchemaSpec.Visitor<R> |
Selection |
Selection.Field |
Selection.FragmentSpread |
Selection.InlineFragment |
Selection.PartialVisitor<R> |
Selection.Visitor<R> |
SelectionSet |
SelectQuery |
Self |
Serde |
RDF4j-based serialization for Hydra RDF graphs.
Set |
SetFeatures |
Set definitions
SetItem |
SetItem.PartialVisitor<R> |
SetItem.Property |
SetItem.VariableEqual |
SetItem.VariableLabels |
SetItem.VariablePlusEqual |
SetItem.Visitor<R> |
Sets |
Severity |
Severity.Info |
A non-critical constraint violation indicating an informative message
Severity.PartialVisitor<R> |
Severity.Violation |
A constraint violation
Severity.Visitor<R> |
Severity.Warning |
A non-critical constraint violation indicating a warning
Shape |
A SHACL node or property shape.
Shape.Node |
Shape.PartialVisitor<R> |
Shape.Property |
Shape.Visitor<R> |
ShapesGraph |
An RDF graph containing zero or more shapes that is passed into a SHACL validation process so that a data graph can be validated against the shapes
ShiftExpression |
ShiftExpression_Binary |
ShiftExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
ShiftExpression.ShiftLeft |
ShiftExpression.ShiftRight |
ShiftExpression.ShiftRightZeroFill |
ShiftExpression.Unary |
ShiftExpression.Visitor<R> |
ShowInt32 |
ShowString |
ShowTerm |
SimpleType |
A scalar type or a reference to an enum type or message type
SimpleType.PartialVisitor<R> |
SimpleType.Reference |
SimpleType.Scalar |
SimpleType.Visitor<R> |
SimpleTypeName |
SingleElementAnnotation |
SinglePartQuery |
SingleQuery |
SingleQuery.MultiPart |
SingleQuery.PartialVisitor<R> |
SingleQuery.SinglePart |
SingleQuery.Visitor<R> |
SingleStaticImportDeclaration |
Singleton |
SingleTypeImportDeclaration |
Size |
Skip |
SortItem |
SortOrder |
SortOrder.Ascending |
SortOrder.Descending |
SortOrder.PartialVisitor<R> |
SortOrder.Visitor<R> |
Source |
SourceContext |
`SourceContext` represents information about the source of a protobuf element, like the file in which it is defined.
SpatialFunctionFeatures |
Spatial functions
SplitOn |
StandaloneCall |
StarOrYieldItems |
StarOrYieldItems.Items |
StarOrYieldItems.PartialVisitor<R> |
StarOrYieldItems.Star |
StarOrYieldItems.Visitor<R> |
Stat |
Stat.Decl |
Stat.Defn |
Stat.ImportExport |
Stat.PartialVisitor<R> |
Stat.Term |
Stat.Visitor<R> |
StatelessAdapter<T1,T2,V1,V2> |
A convenience class for stateless adapters; we use Hydra's Unit as the state type.
StatelessCoder<V1,V2> |
A convenience class for stateless coders; we use Hydra's Unit as the state type.
Statement |
Statement |
Statement.For |
Statement.IfThen |
Statement.IfThenElse |
Statement.Labeled |
Statement.PartialVisitor<R> |
Statement.Visitor<R> |
Statement.While |
Statement.WithoutTrailing |
StatementExpression |
StatementExpression.Assignment |
StatementExpression.ClassInstanceCreation |
StatementExpression.MethodInvocation |
StatementExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
StatementExpression.PostDecrement |
StatementExpression.PostIncrement |
StatementExpression.PreDecrement |
StatementExpression.PreIncrement |
StatementExpression.Visitor<R> |
StatementNoShortIf |
StatementNoShortIf.For |
StatementNoShortIf.IfThenElse |
StatementNoShortIf.Labeled |
StatementNoShortIf.PartialVisitor<R> |
StatementNoShortIf.Visitor<R> |
StatementNoShortIf.While |
StatementNoShortIf.WithoutTrailing |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Assert |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Block |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Break |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Continue |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Do |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Empty |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Expression |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.PartialVisitor<R> |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Return |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Switch |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Synchronized |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Throw |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Try |
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement.Visitor<R> |
StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration |
StaticInitializer |
Step |
An atomic function as part of a query.
Step.Compare |
A comparison of two terms
Step.Edge |
An out-to-in traversal of an abstract edge
Step.PartialVisitor<R> |
Step.Project |
A projection from a record through one of its fields
Step.Visitor<R> |
StringFeatures |
String functions/keywords only found in OpenCypher
StringFunctionFeatures |
String functions
StringListNullPredicateExpression |
StringListNullPredicateRightHandSide |
StringListNullPredicateRightHandSide.List |
StringListNullPredicateRightHandSide.Null |
StringListNullPredicateRightHandSide.PartialVisitor<R> |
StringListNullPredicateRightHandSide.String_ |
StringListNullPredicateRightHandSide.Visitor<R> |
StringLiteral |
StringLiteral |
Note: this is an approximation which ignores encoding
StringPredicateExpression |
StringPredicateOperator |
StringPredicateOperator.Contains |
StringPredicateOperator.EndsWith |
StringPredicateOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
StringPredicateOperator.StartsWith |
StringPredicateOperator.Visitor<R> |
Strings |
StringValue |
Strip |
Several functions for stripping annotations from types and terms.
Sub |
Sum |
The unlabeled equivalent of an Injection term
SwitchBlock |
SwitchBlock_Pair |
SwitchBlockStatementGroup |
SwitchLabel |
SwitchLabel.Constant |
SwitchLabel.Default |
SwitchLabel.EnumConstant |
SwitchLabel.PartialVisitor<R> |
SwitchLabel.Visitor<R> |
SwitchStatement |
Symbol |
Any symbol
Symbol |
A nonterminal symbol
SynchronizedStatement |
Syntax |
The syntax in which a protocol buffer element is defined.
Syntax.PartialVisitor<R> |
Syntax.Proto2 |
Syntax `proto2`.
Syntax.Proto3 |
Syntax `proto3`.
Syntax.Visitor<R> |
Table<V> |
A simple table as in a CSV file, having an optional header row and any number of data rows
Tail |
TCase<A> |
An association of a field name (as in a case statement) with a phantom type
TElement<A> |
An association with a named term (element) with a phantom type
Template |
TemporalDurationFunctionFeatures |
Temporal duration functions
TemporalInstantFunctionFeatures |
Temporal instant functions
Term |
A data term
Term.Annotated |
A term annotated with metadata
Term.Application |
A function application
Term.Function |
A function term
Term.Let |
Term.List |
A list
Term.Literal |
A literal value
Term.Map |
A map of keys to values
Term.Optional |
An optional value
Term.PartialVisitor<R> |
Term.Product |
A tuple
Term.Record |
A record term
Term.Set |
A set of values
Term.Sum |
A variant tuple
Term.TypeAbstraction |
A System F type abstraction term
Term.TypeApplication |
A System F type application term
Term.Typed |
A term annotated with its type
Term.Union |
An injection; an instance of a union type
Term.Variable |
A variable reference
Term.Visitor<R> |
Term.Wrap |
TermAccessor |
A function which maps from a term to a particular immediate subterm
TermAccessor.AnnotatedSubject |
TermAccessor.ApplicationArgument |
TermAccessor.ApplicationFunction |
TermAccessor.InjectionTerm |
TermAccessor.LambdaBody |
TermAccessor.LetBinding |
TermAccessor.LetEnvironment |
TermAccessor.ListElement |
TermAccessor.ListFold |
TermAccessor.MapKey |
TermAccessor.MapValue |
TermAccessor.OptionalCasesJust |
TermAccessor.OptionalCasesNothing |
TermAccessor.OptionalTerm |
TermAccessor.PartialVisitor<R> |
TermAccessor.ProductTerm |
TermAccessor.RecordField |
TermAccessor.SetElement |
TermAccessor.SumTerm |
TermAccessor.TypeAbstractionBody |
TermAccessor.TypeApplicationTerm |
TermAccessor.TypedTerm |
TermAccessor.UnionCasesBranch |
TermAccessor.UnionCasesDefault |
TermAccessor.Visitor<R> |
TermAccessor.WrappedTerm |
TermCoder<X> |
A type together with a coder for mapping terms into arguments for primitive functions, and mapping computed results into terms
Terms |
DSL utilities for constructing Hydra terms based on native Java objects.
TermVariant |
The identifier of a term expression constructor
TermVariant.Annotated |
TermVariant.Application |
TermVariant.Function |
TermVariant.Let |
TermVariant.List |
TermVariant.Literal |
TermVariant.Map |
TermVariant.Optional |
TermVariant.PartialVisitor<R> |
TermVariant.Product |
TermVariant.Record |
TermVariant.Set |
TermVariant.Sum |
TermVariant.TypeAbstraction |
TermVariant.TypeApplication |
TermVariant.Typed |
TermVariant.Union |
TermVariant.Variable |
TermVariant.Visitor<R> |
TermVariant.Wrap |
TestCase |
A simple test case with an input and an expected output
TestGroup |
A collection of test cases with a name and optional description
TField<A> |
An association with a term-level field with a phantom type
Throws |
ThrowStatement |
Tier1 |
A module for miscellaneous tier-1 functions and constants.
Tier2 |
A module for miscellaneous tier-2 functions and constants.
Tier3 |
A module for miscellaneous tier-3 functions and constants.
ToList |
ToList |
ToList |
ToLower |
ToUpper |
Trace |
A container for logging and error information
TransformWorkflow |
The specification of a workflow which takes a schema specification, reads data from a directory, and writes data to another directory
TraversalOrder |
Specifies either a pre-order or post-order traversal
TraversalOrder.PartialVisitor<R> |
TraversalOrder.Post |
Post-order traversal
TraversalOrder.Pre |
Pre-order traversal
TraversalOrder.Visitor<R> |
Tree |
Tree.Bounds |
Tree.CaseTree |
Tree.Ctor |
Tree.Enumerator |
Tree.Importee |
Tree.Importer |
Tree.Member |
Tree.Mod |
Tree.PartialVisitor<R> |
Tree.Pat |
Tree.Quasi |
Tree.Ref |
Tree.Source |
Tree.Stat |
Tree.Template |
Tree.Type |
Tree.Visitor<R> |
TrigonometricFunctionFeatures |
Trigonometric functions
Triple |
An RDF triple defined by a subject, predicate, and object
TriplePattern |
A subject/predicate/object pattern
TryMe |
TryStatement |
TryStatement_Simple |
TryStatement_WithFinally |
TryStatement.PartialVisitor<R> |
TryStatement.Simple |
TryStatement.Visitor<R> |
TryStatement.WithFinally |
TryStatement.WithResources |
TryWithResourcesStatement |
TTerm<A> |
An association of a term with a phantom type
Tuple |
A simple class for tuples (instances of product types) in Java.
Tuple.Tuple0 |
A zero-tuple, i.e.
Tuple.Tuple1<T1> |
A one-tuple.
Tuple.Tuple2<T1,T2> |
A two-tuple, i.e.
Tuple.Tuple3<T1,T2,T3> |
A three-tuple, i.e.
Tuple.Tuple4<T1,T2,T3,T4> |
A four-tuple, i.e.
Tuple.Tuple5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
A five-tuple.
Tuple.Tuple6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
A six-tuple.
Tuple.Tuple7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> |
A seven-tuple.
Tuple.Tuple8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> |
An eight-tuple.
Tuple.Tuple9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> |
A nine-tuple.
TupleProjection |
A tuple elimination; a projection from an integer-indexed product
Type |
A data type
Type |
Type |
Type |
Type |
A protocol buffer message type.
Type |
Type_And |
Type_Annotate |
Type_AnonymousName |
Type_Application |
Type_Apply |
Type_ApplyInfix |
Type_Bounds |
Type_ByName |
Type_Context |
Type_ContextFunction |
Type_Existential |
Type_Function |
Type_Function |
Type_FunctionType |
Type_FunctionType.ContextFunction |
Type_FunctionType.Function |
Type_FunctionType.PartialVisitor<R> |
Type_FunctionType.Visitor<R> |
Type_ImplicitFunction |
Type_Infix |
Type_Lambda |
Type_Macro |
Type_Match |
Type_Method |
Type_Name |
Type_Or |
Type_Param |
Type_Placeholder |
Type_PolyFunction |
Type_Project |
Type_Ref |
Type_Ref.Name |
Type_Ref.PartialVisitor<R> |
Type_Ref.Project |
Type_Ref.Select |
Type_Ref.Singleton |
Type_Ref.Visitor<R> |
Type_Refine |
Type_Repeated |
Type_Select |
Type_Singleton |
Type_Tuple |
Type_TypedParam |
Type_Var |
Type_With |
Type.And |
Type.Annotate |
Type.Annotated |
Type.AnonymousName |
Type.Application |
Type.Application |
Type.Apply |
Type.ApplyInfix |
Type.ByName |
Type.Ctx |
Type.Existential |
Type.Function |
Type.Function |
Type.FunctionType |
Type.ImplicitFunction |
Type.Infix |
Type.Lambda |
Type.Lambda |
Type.List |
Type.List |
Type.List |
Type.Literal |
Type.Macro |
Type.Map |
Type.Match |
Type.Method |
Type.Named |
Type.NonNull |
Type.Optional |
Type.Or |
Type.Parens |
Type.PartialVisitor<R> |
Type.PartialVisitor<R> |
Type.PartialVisitor<R> |
Type.PartialVisitor<R> |
Type.PartialVisitor<R> |
Type.Placeholder |
Type.PolyFunction |
Type.Primitive |
Type.Product |
Type.Record |
Type.Ref |
Type.Reference |
Type.Refine |
Type.Repeated |
Type.Set |
Type.Sum |
Type.Tuple |
Type.Tuple |
Type.TypedParam |
Type.Union |
Type.Var |
Type.Variable |
Type.Variable |
Type.Visitor<R> |
Type.Visitor<R> |
Type.Visitor<R> |
Type.Visitor<R> |
Type.Visitor<R> |
Type.With |
Type.Wrap |
TypeAbstraction |
A System F type abstraction term
TypeArgument |
TypeArgument.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeArgument.Reference |
TypeArgument.Visitor<R> |
TypeArgument.Wildcard |
TypeArgumentsOrDiamond |
TypeArgumentsOrDiamond.Arguments |
TypeArgumentsOrDiamond.Diamond |
TypeArgumentsOrDiamond.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeArgumentsOrDiamond.Visitor<R> |
TypeBound |
TypeBound_ClassOrInterface |
TypeBound.ClassOrInterface |
TypeBound.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeBound.Variable |
TypeBound.Visitor<R> |
TypeCase |
TypeClass |
Any of a small number of built-in type classes
TypeClass.Equality |
TypeClass.Ordering |
TypeClass.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeClass.Visitor<R> |
TypeCondition |
TypeCondition.NamedType |
TypeCondition.On |
TypeCondition.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeCondition.Visitor<R> |
TypeConstraint |
An assertion that two types can be unified into a single type
TypedBinding |
TypeDeclaration |
TypeDeclaration |
TypeDeclaration.Class_ |
TypeDeclaration.Interface |
TypeDeclaration.None |
TypeDeclaration.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeDeclaration.Visitor<R> |
TypeDeclarationWithComments |
TypeDefinition |
TypeDefinition.Enum_ |
TypeDefinition.InputObject |
TypeDefinition.Interface |
TypeDefinition.Object_ |
TypeDefinition.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeDefinition.Scalar |
TypeDefinition.Union |
TypeDefinition.Visitor<R> |
TypedTerm |
A term together with its type
TypeExtension |
TypeExtension.Enum_ |
TypeExtension.InputObject |
TypeExtension.Interface |
TypeExtension.Object_ |
TypeExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeExtension.Scalar |
TypeExtension.Union |
TypeExtension.Visitor<R> |
TypeIdentifier |
TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration |
TypeName |
TypeName |
The local name of an enum type or message type
TypeNameArray |
TypeNameArray.Array |
TypeNameArray.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeNameArray.Simple |
TypeNameArray.Visitor<R> |
TypeParameter |
TypeParameterModifier |
TypeReference |
A reference to an enum type or message type
Types |
DSL utilities for constructing Hydra types.
TypeScheme |
A type expression together with free type variables occurring in the expression
TypeSignature |
TypeSystemDefinition |
TypeSystemDefinition.Directive |
TypeSystemDefinition.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeSystemDefinition.Schema |
TypeSystemDefinition.Type |
TypeSystemDefinition.Visitor<R> |
TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension |
TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension.Definition |
TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension.Extension |
TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeSystemDefinitionOrExtension.Visitor<R> |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.ARGUMENTLowbarDEFINITION |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.ENUM |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.ENUMLowbarVALUE |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.FIELDLowbarDEFINITION |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.INPUTLowbarFIELDLowbarDEFINITION |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.INPUTLowbarOBJECT |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.INTERFACE |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.OBJECT |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.SCALAR |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.SCHEMA |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.UNION |
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation.Visitor<R> |
TypeSystemDocment |
TypeSystemExtension |
TypeSystemExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeSystemExtension.Schema |
TypeSystemExtension.Type |
TypeSystemExtension.Visitor<R> |
TypeSystemExtensionDocument |
TypeVariable |
TypeVariant |
The identifier of a type constructor
TypeVariant.Annotated |
TypeVariant.Application |
TypeVariant.Function |
TypeVariant.Lambda |
TypeVariant.List |
TypeVariant.Literal |
TypeVariant.Map |
TypeVariant.Optional |
TypeVariant.PartialVisitor<R> |
TypeVariant.Product |
TypeVariant.Record |
TypeVariant.Set |
TypeVariant.Sum |
TypeVariant.Union |
TypeVariant.Variable |
TypeVariant.Visitor<R> |
TypeVariant.Wrap |
Uint16ToBigint |
Uint32ToBigint |
Uint64ToBigint |
Uint8ToBigint |
UnannClassType |
A ClassType which does not allow annotations
UnannType |
A Type which does not allow annotations
UnaryAddOrSubtractExpression |
UnaryExpression |
UnaryExpression |
UnaryExpression.Minus |
UnaryExpression.Other |
UnaryExpression.PartialVisitor<R> |
UnaryExpression.Plus |
UnaryExpression.PreDecrement |
UnaryExpression.PreIncrement |
UnaryExpression.Visitor<R> |
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus |
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus.Cast |
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus.Not |
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus.PartialVisitor<R> |
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus.Postfix |
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus.Tilde |
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus.Visitor<R> |
UnaryOperator |
UnaryOperator.Negate |
UnaryOperator.PartialVisitor<R> |
UnaryOperator.Visitor<R> |
Union |
Union |
Union |
UnionMember |
UnionMemberTypes |
UnionMemberTypes_Sequence |
UnionMemberTypes_Sequence2 |
UnionMemberTypes.PartialVisitor<R> |
UnionMemberTypes.Sequence |
UnionMemberTypes.Sequence2 |
UnionMemberTypes.Visitor<R> |
UnionSchema |
UnionTypeDefinition |
UnionTypeExtension |
UnionTypeExtension_Sequence |
UnionTypeExtension_Sequence2 |
UnionTypeExtension.PartialVisitor<R> |
UnionTypeExtension.Sequence |
UnionTypeExtension.Sequence2 |
UnionTypeExtension.Visitor<R> |
Unit |
An empty record as a canonical unit value
UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression |
Unwind |
UpdatingClause |
UpdatingClause.Create |
UpdatingClause.Delete |
UpdatingClause.Merge |
UpdatingClause.PartialVisitor<R> |
UpdatingClause.Remove |
UpdatingClause.Set |
UpdatingClause.Visitor<R> |
UpdatingFeatures |
Specific syntax related to updating data in the graph
Validation |
Utilities for validating property graphs against property graph schemas
Value |
Value |
A scalar value
Value |
A JSON value
Value.Array |
A JSON array
Value.Boolean_ |
Value.Boolean_ |
Value.Boolean_ |
A boolean value
Value.Enum_ |
Value.Float_ |
Value.Int |
Value.List |
Value.Null |
Value.Null |
JSON's null value
Value.Number_ |
A numeric value
Value.Object_ |
Value.Object_ |
A JSON object as a set of key/value pairs
Value.PartialVisitor<R> |
Value.PartialVisitor<R> |
Value.PartialVisitor<R> |
Value.String_ |
Value.String_ |
Value.String_ |
A string value
Value.Variable |
Value.Visitor<R> |
Value.Visitor<R> |
Value.Visitor<R> |
ValueBinding |
ValueBinding_Simple |
ValueBinding.PartialVisitor<R> |
ValueBinding.Simple |
ValueBinding.Visitor<R> |
Values |
ValueSpec |
A mapping specification producing values (usually literal values) whose type is understood in context
ValueSpec.PartialVisitor<R> |
ValueSpec.Pattern |
A compact path representing the function, e.g.
ValueSpec.Value |
A trivial no-op specification which passes the entire value
ValueSpec.Visitor<R> |
Variable |
Variable |
Variable |
Variable |
Variable |
A query variable
VariableAccess |
VariableAccess.ExpressionName |
VariableAccess.FieldAccess |
VariableAccess.PartialVisitor<R> |
VariableAccess.Visitor<R> |
VariableAndNodeLabels |
VariableArityParameter |
VariableDeclarator |
VariableDeclaratorId |
VariableEquals |
VariableInitializer |
VariableInitializer.ArrayInitializer |
VariableInitializer.Expression |
VariableInitializer.PartialVisitor<R> |
VariableInitializer.Visitor<R> |
VariableModifier |
VariableModifier.Annotation |
VariableModifier.Final |
VariableModifier.PartialVisitor<R> |
VariableModifier.Visitor<R> |
VariablePlusEquals |
VariablesDefinition |
VectorFunctionFeatures |
Vector functions
Vertex<V> |
A vertex
VertexBuilder<V> |
A builder object for property graph vertices.
VertexLabel |
The label of a vertex.
VertexPattern |
VertexSpec |
A mapping specification producing vertices of a specified label
VertexType<T> |
The type of a vertex
VertexTypeBuilder<T> |
A builder object for property graph vertex types.
Where |
WhileStatement |
WhileStatementNoShortIf |
Wildcard |
WildcardBounds |
WildcardBounds.Extends |
WildcardBounds.PartialVisitor<R> |
WildcardBounds.Super |
WildcardBounds.Visitor<R> |
With |
WithClause |
WrappedTerm |
A term wrapped in a type name
WrappedType |
A type wrapped in a type name
Ws |
One of several classes of whitespace
Ws.Break |
Ws.BreakAndIndent |
Ws.DoubleBreak |
Ws.None |
Ws.PartialVisitor<R> |
Ws.Space |
Ws.Visitor<R> |
XorExpression |
YieldItem |
YieldItems |