Direction |
The direction of an edge or edge pattern
Direction.Both |
Direction.In |
Direction.Out |
Direction.Undirected |
Edge<V> |
An edge
EdgeLabel |
The label of an edge
EdgeType<T> |
The type of an edge
Element<V> |
Either a vertex or an edge
Element.Edge<V> |
Element.Vertex<V> |
ElementKind |
The kind of an element: vertex or edge
ElementKind.Edge |
ElementKind.Vertex |
ElementTree<V> |
An element together with its dependencies in some context
ElementType<T> |
The type of a vertex or edge
ElementType.Edge<T> |
ElementType.Vertex<T> |
ElementTypeTree<T> |
An element type together with its dependencies in some context
Graph<V> |
A graph; a self-contained collection of vertices and edges
GraphSchema<T> |
A graph schema; a vertex and edge types for the vertices and edges of a graph conforming to the schema
Label |
Either a vertex or edge label
Label.Edge |
Label.Vertex |
Property<V> |
A key/value property
PropertyKey |
A property key
PropertyType<T> |
The type of a property
Vertex<V> |
A vertex
VertexLabel |
The label of a vertex.
VertexType<T> |
The type of a vertex